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Not dead YET! …absolute final draft!!!

Living the Scheme.
Donald Trump insured his former wife was buried “one putz away” at 1st hole of his Westminster NJ golf resort.
Using Ivana’s “still warm body” as a cemetery TAX WRITE OFF EXEMPTION-(par for his course).
Buried alive with fake jewelry insurance claims… Ivana’s (not even dead) … still serves as “stiff” on Trump’s board of trust me’s.
Current yard ornament-Melania’s figure will be preserved as sort of a (politically incorrect) – concrete “negro lawn jockey” at Mar-a-Lago’s drive-in.
Melania dimwitted smile will forever be looking UP… holding some BIG asses’ reigns in her teeth… while on landscaped knees.
Melania’s flathead – a perfectly STIFF platter for 45 cheeseburgers, iced diet Cokes and golf fees.
Sporting a concrete white hat- Melania won’t feel a thing- and “vares it vell”- (what Donny… told em all) during each prenup GOLF CART oil change ceremony.

Humor Times

LIVING the Scheme-(revision)- a slightly better laugh

Living the Scheme.
Donald Trump insured his former wife was buried “one putz away” at 1st hole of his Westminster NJ golf resort.
Using Ivana’s “still warm body” as a cemetery TAX WRITE OFF EXEMPTION-(par for his course).
Buried alive with fake jewelry insurance claims… Ivana’s not even dead… yet still serving as a stiff on the board.
True story.
Melania’s figure will be preserved as a (sort of) – concrete “negro lawn jockey” at Mar-a-Lago’s driveway.
Melania dimwitted smile will forever be looking up… holding some BIG asses’ reigns… on soiled knees.
Melania’s flathead -will be a perfectly STIFF platter for 45 cheeseburgers and a diet Coke.
In a concrete white hat- Melania won’t feel a thing- and will “wear it well”- (isn’t that what Donny tells em all) since his last oil change?

Humor Times

Living the Scheme

Living the Scheme
Donald Trump insured his former wife was buried “one putz away” at 1st hole of his Westminster NJ golf resort.
Using Ivana’s “still warm body” as a cemetery TAX WRITE OFF EXEMPTION.
Not even dead yet… buried alive with fake jewelry-
True story.
Melania’s figure will be preserved as a (sort of) – concrete negro lawn jockey at Mar-a-Lago.
Melania dimwitted smile will forever be looking up… holding some asses’ reigns… while on her knees.

Her flathead (will be perfect)- for a Diet Coke and cheeseburger.

Melania won’t feel a thing- (isn’t that what Donny tells em all) since her honeymoon?

Humor Times

WAR CRIMES against Humanity

Putin and Trump.

Both conducted -(SMO)-Special Military Operations that required- BOOTS on the GROUND.

Both attacked Nations Capitals with violence, both came close to WELL PLANNED OBJECTIVES.

They support each other 100%, Putin miscalculated, but went ahead with his attack on Ukraine anyways.

If Trump was President- Ukraine’s desperation would be magnified 100-fold.

America is at GRAVE RISK because a delusional psychopathic (former President) puts himself above all else.

Ukraine is at risk because Putin won’t admit his original flawed planning FAILED.

FASCIST dots connect- to corrupt, powerful elements willingly to trade “your freedom” for their control.

An unqualified grifter (Trump couldn’t pass a basic military SECURITY CLEARANCE) being allowed as Presidential candidate- points to ABJECT SYSTEM FAILURE.

What could possibly go RIGHT?

Trump was promoted as “TIP of the SPEAR” for an agenda of destruction by powerful influencers that gave him a “get out of jail card” no matter what he does.

Trump’s strategy team appointed a corrupt Supreme Court he wears as personal body armor- the evangelical Court does his bidding- he does theirs.

Current events speak for themselves.
Trump perpetuates crimes in broad daylight with impunity- as a private citizen- ABOVE EVERY LAW. Nationalist MAFIA, RIGHT?

Trump never disavowed Putin’s agenda; both continue THREATENING America (the entire World) in 2024.

What’s obvious – both Trump and Putin should be in prison for WAR CRIMES against humanity- Trump for premeditated murder in our Nation’s Capital, Putin for premeditated murder of an entire nation.

Humor Times



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Marjorie Taylor Greene & molester Matt Gaetz
Are “friends with benefits” full of shit and hate.
Miss Gonorrhea Greene & Mr. Venmo Matt G
Are pedophiles who will both burn eternally.
Bimbo Lauren Boebert & her husband Jayson
Have been in and out of jail so many times now
We might as well lock them up permanently!
But how will the hapless Boeberts pay the bills
If notorious prostitute Lauren is in a jail cell?
Yes, what you heard is true, she did Ted Cruz!
Lauren Boebert (R-CO) is psycho skank cooze!
The Confederacy is the home of the evil GOP.
Greedy Old Perverts want to rape young girls
And be granted Red State Nazi male immunity!
Inbred hillbillies stink like ass and are brainless
Which is why they worship Diaper Don Trump,
Their lil’ mushroom dick obese orange chump.
Don’t forget about SC’s Miss Lindsey Graham
Who takes it anally from every rent boy in town
Because Lindsey Graham is a closeted queer.
Lady G is in constant fear of losing his career.
And that former Ohio State wrestling coach
Jim Jordan (R-OH) covered up sexual abuse
Like the fascist Secret Service with texts do.
Nancy Pelosi told pedophile pig Jim Jordan
To go f**k himself instead of showering kids,
Because the sick GOP caucus approves of it!
Remember the longest serving Republican
Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert (R-IL)
Who went to fed prison for raping little boys.
Keep kids away from GOP wrestling coaches!
Hey parents, it’s time for pitchforks & torches!
Impeach rapist drunk idiot Brett Kavanaugh!
Put a rope around his neck & string him up!
Re-legalize abortion and terminate evil Brett!
Kavanaugh is a lying, worthless sack of shit.

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Jake Pickering
Arcata, CA, USA

Humor Times

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