Letters to the Editor
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The Republican Party is 100% Satanic.
Just look at their elephant logo’s stars.
Upside down they are clearly pentagrams,
And the GOP also loves the Stars and Bars.
The pro-slavery, pro-Putin GOP is pure evil.
Come out of the closet, Lindsey Graham!
(And Eric Trump and of course Jim Jordan.)
So why does the Satanic Republican Party’s
Unmistakable pentagrams on their logo
Not cause Christians to ask any questions?
Because so-called conservative “Christians”
Are as fake and fraudulent as they can be.
They lie & lie saying God wants your money!
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Jake Pickering
Arcata, CA, USA
- Has Your Country Been Seized by a Tech Billionaire? What to Do During a Coup - February 11, 2025
- Trump to Deport Errant Golf Balls - February 4, 2025
- Frak You, Left and Right: A Poem - January 23, 2025
Mess with Texas
Uvalde Texas Parents wonder what “Don’t mess with Texas”-really means.
What sort of a MEAT PACKING, GUN TOTING, ANGRY- State slogan is this anyways?
NRA industrialists, GOP Abbott, CanCruz, and Trump’s GRIFT INC.-
an ALAMO SIZED slaughterhouse.
All day- Authorities allow stupid people to walk around armed to the teeth- …but NOT at Trump rally’s- NO GUNS ALLOWED Y’ALL.
GOP HYPOCRISY -NO WEAPONS -when Trump, Cruz or Greg Abbott- BABEL at public events.
Former mayor of Waco here- (revisiting memory lane), …arresting David Koresh, UNARMED, in broad daylight, while he was grocery shopping, days earlier… would have been easy-
KILLIN is the point Y’all- MESS is RIGHT! -House rules.
3 wagons circled- JUDGE, JURY, and EXECUTIONER- (Why hold em poker).
Having an FBI command post means- negotiations were never on the table.
In a hail of their own ricochet …four agents died. Dealing out revenge- just RAZED Branch Davidian’s steaks to our front burner.
A pre-deployed National Guard (flame thrower) tank was on site… JUST in case we needed to incinerate that weirdo religious compound.
FULL House -burns it down.
Two pregnant White Christian women and 25 Children- burnt alive.
Praise Jesus, pass Abbott another incendiary 40mm round.
Ted Cruz- RUSSIAN ROULETTE strategy-
NO witnesses, NO evidence NO accountability! All that NOthin- means -Myth makin and tall talkin, like…
“Dah only thing that can stop bad men with guns -are elementary children returning fire with Texas anti-tank missiles”
… Yup-AS FATE WOULD HAVE IT-their last resort, is our only idiotic plan.
- Has Your Country Been Seized by a Tech Billionaire? What to Do During a Coup - February 11, 2025
- Trump to Deport Errant Golf Balls - February 4, 2025
- Frak You, Left and Right: A Poem - January 23, 2025
![YouTube player](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ubCcdOlEPFQ/maxresdefault.jpg)
Prior to January 20, 2017, the American people have never had to endure the toxic combination of four years of obscenely corrupt personal and official conduct, unparalleled craven cowardice, and truly transparent treason from a president of the United States, until Donald O.J. Trump (R-Moscow) stole the 2016 presidential election with illegal assistance from Trump’s boss Vladimir Putin.
To compare Donald Trump to Benedict Arnold would be an insult to General Arnold! Trump the traitor desperately wanted to make himself King of America by way of widespread election fraud in Republican-controlled, gerrymandered racist police states (like Texas and Florida for instance) where right-wing Republicans revere greedy televangelist charlatans who broadcast their laughable lies that God Almighty is somehow a beggar who needs your money, so that those creepy, deep-Southern pedophile preachers can misuse your funds to purchase new private planes.
Maybe it’s just me (or just most Americans) but I’m not about to take anyone who “speaks in tongues” or tosses poisonous snakes around their Holy Roller hillbilly church seriously about anything, let alone on questions of constitutional governance! Stay in your lane, Evangelicals and Fundamentalists. Politics isn’t your thing – lying, cheating, stealing and molesting is. Just pray Jesus doesn’t come back someday, because y’all hate-filled hypocrites are in big trouble!
But before all you psychotic Trump sycophants crawl back into your GOP spider holes after Republicans (against all odds and conservative corporate media “conventional wisdom”) lose the 2022 mid-term elections as a result of selfish, extremist Republican candidates self-destructing spectacularly in the political equivalent of a circular firing squad, make sure you renominate Trump for president in 2024! Do the Democrats a favor once again. Donald Trump isn’t just history’s sorest and biggest loser, Trump is a sure loser. If the GOP runs Trump in 2024, the GOP loses.
![YouTube player](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/7OcoUyXiuU0/maxresdefault.jpg)
Jake Pickering
Arcata, CA, USA
- Has Your Country Been Seized by a Tech Billionaire? What to Do During a Coup - February 11, 2025
- Trump to Deport Errant Golf Balls - February 4, 2025
- Frak You, Left and Right: A Poem - January 23, 2025
beg barrow steal reveal
SOME Liberals actually think republicans- will turn from “evil behavior” AFTER this big 06 REVEAL.
Wishfully dreaming- “even uglier” facts might protect democracy from lunatic GOP lynch mobs.
TREASON, HATE, CRIMINALITY- GOP marching orders under sick fascist banners.
(END TIMES) evangelical churches weaponized it; political crooks-signed, sealed, delivered it.
A few embarrassed Republicans- might cash-out (banana republicanism) early.
Everyone knows -IT WAS A PLANNED COUP- (violence, murders). Pentagon Generals purposely did nothing, hack Lawyers like Eastman scripted it.
Inciteful conversations -recorded.
America watched a choreographed riot, (Trump’s plan- executed)- on live TV.
Trump composed “hang Mike Pence”. Ginni Thomas greased bullets in her womb, Meadows smoked documents. ATTACK-DESTROY-KILL.
Everyone involved should have been stripped of rank, duty and station-ON Jan 07 2021.
Anyone complicit (should be) tarred, feathered-marched butt naked to prison… injustice FREE PASSES -because this is a fake REPUBLIC-not a REAL democracy.
Expect- FAILURE, PLEADING, BEGGING- (by Democrats).
A majority is told what, when, where and how- by a SELFISH minority.
UBER-WEALTHY use uber stupid, religious, angry, racists to chisel power.
Exactly why- Trump types- love Putin types.
Trump never disowned HIS insurrection, NO remorse for Police he sacrificed (on his alter) in OUR Capital- On HIS command.
Clearly defined- premeditated murder- GUILTY of TREASON.
TOP EXECUTIVE- Trump’s /explicit /personal /directives.
Running again 2024?
In the next few weeks, irrefutable evidence will prove -TRUMP KILLED INNOCENT PEOPLE TO STEAL YOUR FREEDOM for SELF- AGGRANDIZEMENT.
- Has Your Country Been Seized by a Tech Billionaire? What to Do During a Coup - February 11, 2025
- Trump to Deport Errant Golf Balls - February 4, 2025
- Frak You, Left and Right: A Poem - January 23, 2025
waddling, meddling, present -among ZILLIONAIRES in Davos.
At 99- Kissinger- pompously- wears those two faces- Sooo well- bad and worse.
How “ghoulish” you looked in that photograph – (you with Putin)- a treasured “circling” keepsake.
Vultures of a treasure.
Navigating Vlad’s brutal flight across Ukraine… Putin depends on Kissinger types as “silk suited mercenaries.”
KOWTOWING dented your big head Henry- same bruising Trump received touting Moscow towers Casino parking garage.
Kissinger pragmatically bleated “Ukraine should just take one for the scheme”- Afterall… when Vlad burns down HIS home, rapes HIS family… surely- Henry will shoot HIS barking poodle as goodwill gesture honoring Russian looters.
Vlad’s stumble … reminds aristocrats -“keep friends distant, and enemies even more distant”.
Did I muck up an old saying- Ol Chap? SORRY …Kissinger’s skillful at shoveling muck!
In EVERY respect Henry- your SKULLS have terrified smaller countries… for decades.
Trump, Vlad, Kissinger……………..reserved seating at the hors d’ oeuvres stable- SUCKING CLAWS!
In Switzerland- it’s undiplomatic of you people- rummaging about like a jack asses-
braying for bigger feed buckets.
Unlimited wealth- bulletproof cocoons!
Vlad gates his secret mistresse$e$ HIS claws bury stolen Billions here.
Oligarchs’ prey- (in Russian)- “May you live as long as you deserve”, (I mean- GROVEL).
Net worthlessness adds gravity to your waste line Henry, “merely an eye dropper” compared to the bloated CACOPHONY you covet.
Wallowing about for photo Ops like an old hermit crab? – it suits you, Henry!
– I mean… YOUR-scavenging Ukrainian dead- POCKETING gold wedding rings.
- Has Your Country Been Seized by a Tech Billionaire? What to Do During a Coup - February 11, 2025
- Trump to Deport Errant Golf Balls - February 4, 2025
- Frak You, Left and Right: A Poem - January 23, 2025
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