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SCOTUS leaker ginni

Ginni Thomas – SCOTUS leaker.

Ginni and Clarence Thomas released that Supreme Court document- they hoped THIS distraction would take scrutiny off THEIR PERSONAL tax cheating, lies, TREASON and GRIFT.

With SO much criminality- slopped on Ginni’s -ALL SHE CAN EAT plate- Thomas had nothing to lose- except weight.

Why Wait?

Ginni ain’t NO WAIT WATCHER!!- she’s a plate crusher- a steam powered eating machine with pork barrel$ in both ears.

Ginni has been to so many “GOP insurrection gala banquet dinners”- she gets VIP “double parked” as a red whale.

Sporting a Statue of Liberty foam hat, and wearing a GOP table cloth- she and Thomas displace more logic than a supertanker stuck in the Suez Canal.

Team Ginni barges into IHOP’s until the floor collapses, syrup bankrupt- belly up.

“What the fork dude!”

Ginni is basically a cult fabricated, Christian TERRORIST who hijacked an equally corrupt LARD BUCKET Court Justice named Clarence “THE GRAVY TRAIN” Thomas.

Together- Salt-n-Peppa crashed Trump’s WHITEST HOUSE.

Trump said- “bilge pump your personal cesspool OF CRAP directly into my clubs” Stupid people are expendable body armor at Trump GRIFT INC.

It might seem counter intuitive to surround yourself with the “fart of the land”, but Trump realizes “effluence buying” means -WEAK-MINDED Teletubby’s go to slaughter YEARS before King Pork Chop.

A competitive eating strategy based on NEVER FINISHED LINE.

Trump’s (big ass loser club) never got up from tub tables- owners of (now) bankrupted Chinese Buffet said-“THAT’S ALL YOU CAN EAT- FOOLS”

Humor Times



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Terrestrial radio is a dying industry for sure
For which there apparently will be no cure.
Dr. Johnny Fever is deceased. R.I.P., WKRP.
Right-wing radio is devoted to autocracy.
The GOP lost Hitler-lover Pat Buchanan’s
So-called “culture war” thirty years ago,
But the Republicans never heard, y’know.
Whether it be Dr. Seuss or Mr. Potato Head,
LGBTQ or sexy boots on green girl M&M’s,
Conservatives are clueless & all twisted up.
One wonders where they get all this stuff?
Don’t even get me started on the evil GOP
And their long-term love affair with Putin, V.
You know for whom the GOP is rooting…
Russia-loving Republicans are making
Ronald Reagan spin in his SoCal grave.
No wonder Nancy Reagan hated Trump.
If Ron were alive, he’d deport that chump!

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Jake Pickering
Arcata, CA, USA

Humor Times



Fox “News” GOP propagandist Tucker Carlson is now advocating soaking one’s scrotum in infrared light as the solution to being a wimpy, low-testosterone, bow-tie wearing White supremacist whack job.
Even a lowlife, no-talent Trumptard like Kid Rock knows how stupid tanning your testicles is: “Dude, stop! Testicle tanning? Come on, I mean, I haven’t heard anything that good in a long time… I’m starting a punk rock band and it’s called Testicle Tanning, that’s the end of it…I don’t know what the hell is going on in this world…But sometimes, some days I just want to stop this planet and let me off.”
These farcical far-right fascist freaks on Fox “News” and their inane, obtuse obsessions with insane idiocies like constantly kvetching about Mr. Potato Head and Green M&M’s no longer being sexy enough for their sick tastes is enough to make a modern day, low-testosterone man perform a “Full Elvis” on his 60-inch TV set with a .44 Magnum, Dirty Harry style: “You’ve got to ask yourself one question: ‘Do I feel lucky?’ Well, do ya, punk?”

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Jake Pickering
Arcata, CA, USA

Humor Times

Xi marks the spot

Chairman Xi- pronounced like “she”

Xi is “shoe in” for third term as supreme leader of China.

Xi won’t “get boot”, despite holes that need darning.

Endless friendship with “hole Putin” BIG misstep, but- nothing compared to the “Shanghai stumble” COVID lock down.

China- “seemed” to have covid neatly sewn up, while…America was a hospitalized “LIVE MARKET” zombie asylum- now Xi is learning new dance step, called MAO TWO LEFT FEET.

China mismanaging virus- isn’t karma- it’s dogma.

Watch a video- taken downtown Shanghai- a battery powered “robotic dog” (back mounted loud speaker), trotting down empty city street- blaring “RUBBISH” at locked down, starving, inhabitance- “wash hands, stay inside, BE CIVIL!”

Robo dawg had a recorded woman’s voice but it was Xi- issuing directives.

OBEY the running dogs!

1984 CRAP- drones, at curfew – howling civilians, locked down apartments, old people shoved by faceless trolls in white Tyvek suits, starving pets dumped in streets- good old fashioned- servitude… knell before communist, capitalist, autocrats-UYGHURS.

Chinese takeout- SLAVE (not brave) NEW WORLD.

24-hour surveillance cameras everywhere, human performance ranking- SCORE based on being a soulless nobody.

OUTLAWED PRIVACY- what China markets to world leaders everywhere, TRACKING numbers and lifetimes, barefoot cowering criminals- THEIR CRIME? … dreaming personal thoughts.

The Spanish inquisition Heaven- dreamt of such INSANITY- now GOON SQUADS buy UYGHUR OPRESSION “off the shelf” in robo-dog Hell -Shanghai.

Slop -til YOU drop- #@^)$+!(%……………………………… Xi-Mart.

Foot Fungus Xi and kaPutin, just stepped in it, now we can-TRACK THEM.

Xi marks the SPlaT.

Humor Times



“…It will fall on our nation’s elected officials at all levels of government to protect a woman’s right to choose. And it will fall on voters to elect pro-choice officials…”
— President Joe Biden (May 3, 2022)

Local pro-Trump, anti-choice, right-wing Republican candidates for Humboldt County’s Board of Supervisors – Eureka’s Larry Doss and Mike Newman – will be unsuccessful in their corrupt, pathetic attempts to purchase public office on Tuesday June 7, 2022.
These two Republican candidates will waste all of their dirty campaign money on endless ads to no effect, and both of these losers – Eureka’s Larry Doss and Mike Newman – will be defeated for one main reason: Humboldt County is not the Republic of Gilead, nor do we want to be! (Margaret Atwood was prophetic.)
Clarence “Coke Can” Thomas and Brett “The Boofer” Kavanaugh’s political buddies and brethren in misogyny – Eureka’s Larry Doss and Mike Newman – can’t have it both ways. Doss and Newman’s beloved Republican Party has demanded for decades that women’s reproductive choices (or now the lack thereof) become an entirely local issue politically speaking with no federal protections for women whatsoever, so that local GOP yokels can perform their Texas Taliban routine terrorizing women who won’t obey the GOP.
OK, then! Since the current conservative crackpot majority on the US Supreme Court has admittedly already voted to end women’s right to choose federally, then it is now time to focus on LOCAL political candidates’ views on this issue, since local politicians will presumably have some say as to whether or not women will have unfettered access to reproductive choice or instead become codified as permanent 2nd-class citizens courtesy of the right-wing extremist Republican majority on the US Supreme Court.
Larry Doss and Mike Newman are both pro-Trump and anti-choice. They can start being honest for a change in their crooked campaigns by at least admitting that much.

Jake Pickering
Arcata, CA, USA

Humor Times

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