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Victory Charade

Save the date COMRADES!

May 9th – Moscow-

An abbreviated armed forces VICTORY CHARADE of rattling hospital gurney’s- slogging past he-man- skirtless- Vladimir Putin.

May Vlad live as long as he deserves!

Enlarged hologram of Putin will float “head and shoulders” above empty seats- HIS recently shot generals.

(Virtual reality -avoids risk of -stray sniper bullets).

Ukraine Liberation Day- (a phrase) Tucker Carlson coined on Russian Fox TV just yesterday- (same day he was born).

Tucker shall forever assume HIS (honorary lap dog) position under Vlad’s gilded throne.

Fox News -phonetically sounds (IN RUSSIAN) like –“fetch, roll over, speak”!

Oligarch’s 400-meter yachts being dragged through Red Square by 40,000 weeping mothers.

One Hull of a slight.

Charred, turretless, T-74’s yanked behind Ukrainian farm tractors-Soviet crews – mission regrettable.

Definition of- GRIM HARVEST… Moscow’s elite… thinning down the young male herd, is called “MOREFUR-BORIS-LESFOR UCHEK.

Former helicopter pilots- (A Moment of silence PLEASE)- flight school graduation pictures appearing on the parade jumbotron- just went blank again.

A Kremlin “no-fly zone”, means Chinese aviation orders – ARE KAPUTNIC.

Chinese Communist Xi refer to “agreement of bottomless friendship”-as Vlad- latrine.

BEHOLD- antiwar protesters -beaten unconscious, 15 years of reeducation in Siberian, just “Volunteered”

I spy- ONE RAY OF SLUMSHINE- the din whit of ONE HAND CLAPPING- from his private Moscow VIP Tower, – It’s Donald Chump and wife-Stormyia!

The camera zooms in to Mr. Cheeseburger -Nazi saluting…” Vlad WE GENIUS! Have YOU never SEEN so many TANKS?”

Humor Times



Donald Trump is a traitor! There is no question about it. There never has been. If you were somehow so blind that you couldn’t see Trump’s treason until now – after his diabolically demented defense of Russia’s latest war crimes – go see an optometrist or ophthalmologist immediately. Trump is evil.
Or if your name is Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), Madison Cawthorn (R-NC), or Jim Jordan (R-OH), please check yourself into the nearest psychiatric facility and resign from Congress while you’re at it, unless you plan on giving your stupid psychotic speeches from the House floor in a straitjacket from now on.
As a personal fan of the concept of truth in advertising, I have to ask: isn’t it time for these pathetic pro-Putin, anti-American fascist Republican politicians of the far right to start addressing their treasonous troglodyte voters in Russian instead of English? If you hate America that much, then please don’t let traitor Trump’s non-existent border wall door hit you in your backside on your way out of America headed for your new home in Russian-occupied Eastern Ukraine.
Any one of these QAnon crackpot GOP congressmen from the Blame America First caucus can feel free to flee to Moscow and become political defectors just like their personal hero Lee Harvey Oswald did before he assassinated Democratic President John F. Kennedy under orders from the KGB and the Kremlin. We the people of the United States of America still owe the racist Russian Empire one dead Russian president, or did you forget?
It’s long past time to “de-Nazify” the Kremlin! KGB Count Dracula Vlad “The Impaler” Putin has got to go! And by “go” I mean, Vladimir Putin must be killed ASAP American style – no polonium tea necessary. If Uncle Sam can’t find any young, patriotic volunteers for this necessary mission from God, then go ahead and count me in (inside the book depository building in Moscow with a sniper rifle and the best view and angle of attack against that shirtless, soulless mini-Hitler maniac).
After all, it would be awfully difficult for that deranged demonic putz Putin to issue any additional illegal, genocidal military orders if his little balding blonde-haired, blue-eyed Aryan head were to somehow become detached from the rest of his diminutive body. Put our tax dollars to good use, Uncle Sam! And in case you’ve missed the surprisingly large and fearless anti-war protests in Russia, doing away with Vladimir Putin is just what the Russian people are calling for. Let’s help them.

Jake Pickering
Arcata, CA, USA

Humor Times

piping down MAGA clogs

Want Trump to actually SHUT UP? RIGHT NOW? –

IF our Justice Department ever drags him into an actual Court of Law- RUNNING HIS big MOUTH will be over.

Trump’s (April 06 Washington Post)- interview is another benchmark of grift, dog whistles and video proof he WAS (and IS STILL) responsible for a violent attack.

Listening Merritt Garland?

Capital police died because of Trump.

Same guy who has never once offered consolation to the Family of Officer Brian Sicknick.

A 7-hour gap in White House phone logs during January 06- THAT’S inditement enough.

Dereliction of duty and treason while watching HIS EVIL PLANS unfold on TV- doing nothing, – GUILTY-(proof positive).

Blaming Capital police and Nancy Pelosi “is logical”, if you are a shallow, racist, sociopathic liar.

Point by point interview denunciations are unnecessary.

Trump’s ENTIRE Mar-O-Cheeseburger interview was a sly, “happy meal”” self-promotion – getting out ahead of reality.

Mr. Self-promotor needs to “pimp” his weirdo fringe media narrative… because eventually- a Justice Department cement mixer will pour out his political tombstone.

The coward never marched on the Capital himself- he encouraged MAGA sops like Ginni Thomas to carry his toilet stench… she did.

With bells on her feet, and a poop ring around her stinky finger, Ginni determined her paper work (delivered daily)- was worthy of a Supreme Court constitutional.

If MAGA (crooked attorney) John Eastman- actually had a moral center of gravity, he and Trump would be proud to say what they did, in court, under oath-RIGHT NOW.

Humor Times



The local media has been inexplicably incurious as to why no patriotic local law enforcement official stepped forward this year to challenge the incredibly incompetent, right-wing Republican Humboldt County Sheriff William Honsal, who is better known as Humboldt County’s most prominent national embarrassment (other than White SoHum drug dealers misappropriating Afro-Caribbean culture for the purposes of increasing sales).

Still, even as whiny, annoying and selfish as some traditionally overpaid and under-educated local dope growers and tax avoiders became in the years preceding and succeeding the long overdue legalization of cannabis in California (which many of us fought for our entire adult lives), these entitled, hippy dippy Deadhead caricatures and their fellow pot-growing, pot-bellied, low-IQ redneck conservative counterparts (like the drug-dealing, bear-spraying Bohn Klan of unconvicted kidnappers, for instance) are nowhere near as farcical as William Honsal.

Sure, far-right fascist Sinclair Broadcasting which owns most of the area’s local commercial network television stations and Limbaughless KKK Radio both revere their pro-racist, pro-vigilante, anti-antifa simpleton Sheriff William Honsal, Humboldt County’s very own version of Barney Fife. (The GOP QAnon cult protects its own.)

But to be fair to Don Knotts, his hilarious characterization of a rural, small-town cop on the Andy Griffith show had at least 50 IQ points on Sheriff Billy Bob Honsal who is actually more of a borderline moron mentally, like good ol’ Gomer Pyle. Perhaps some of Sheriff Honsal’s civic-minded underlings can convince Sheriff Billy Bob to go join the US Marine Corps just like Gomer Pyle did, so that we can get Honsal the human embarrassment to resign as county sheriff. Semper Fi, stupid!


You are of course no doubt already aware of how badly Sheriff Billy Bob Honsal embarrassed the residents of Humboldt County nationally with Honsal’s idiotic acceptance of numbskull neo-Nazi, White supremacist lies online as supposedly actionable intelligence that led to some insanely stupid command decisions on Honsal’s part, not to mention much lying to the press by Sheriff Honsal after he was exposed.


As far as my one vote goes for county sheriff this June 7th, I’ll be writing in Barney Fife’s name for Humboldt County Sheriff, since there is no other acceptable option on the ballot this year, which is truly a shame considering how many qualified, far less crazy law enforcement officials there are locally who could have challenged Sheriff Honsal. Yes, Don Knotts has been dead for awhile now (R.I.P., Mr. Furley), but even a zombie Barney Fife would do a better job than William Honsal.


And if Billy Bob Honsal’s fellow far-right Republican whack job John Ashcroft could be defeated in his reelection bid for the US Senate by a dead guy, you just never know what could happen. Say it now, and say it proud – your next Humboldt County Sheriff Barney Fife! (But expect it to be much more like that movie “Weekend at Bernie’s” than like “Three’s Company” or the “Andy Griffith Show”.)

Humboldt County isn’t Mayberry after all, no matter how desperately some extremely out-of-touch, past-their-political-expiration-date local conservative politicians wished they lived in racially segregated 1950s North Carolina. (Or would these Trumptarded twits prefer the antebellum 1850s instead, before imaginary antifa buses headed for Hooterville would have been a possibility to obsess over?). Yes, it is true, the pro-Putin GOP will soon be as dead as Don Knotts is. And I just can’t wait…

“Free at last, free at last, thank God almighty we are free at last!” – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (August 28, 1963)

Jake Pickering
Arcata, CA, USA

Humor Times

SWISS miss

Who is Alina Kabaeva?

Anyone straddling Moscow’s broken political Balance beam- knows Alina – “Russia’s most flexible woman”.

Putin’s flexible girlfriend survives as (TROPHY booty) – Putin’s hidden luxury ASSet.

After Putin “kicked his loyal wife to the curb” (2013)- Boy Blunder “gold dug” himself an Olympic gymnast with whom he spawned 4 secret babushkas.

Alina’s reproductive choices were decided for her-because “Tower of Power Putin” NEEDED a FLEXGal that matched his 5’5” stature. – that’s with Vlad posing on his gold brick- missile battery.

Ignore Putin’s talk about STANDING BY “Mutha Russia”, he insured- HIS family’s survival via Swiss passports.

Fox News never reports Trump’s tax cheating or his autocratic platinum plated DICKtator (stashing Billions) into first class-SWISS- neutrality.

Navalny got it right – show Russia’s public -what Putin spends THEIR rubles on.

Navalny – FALSELY sentenced to 9 (more) years in gulag prison, after PUTIN’S FAILED POISONING.

Putin COULDN’T BELIEVE Navalny returned FROM THE DEAD to show Russia- this OLIGARCH’S bottomless GREED.

Navalny “lampooned” Putin’s billion-dollar Black Sea castle- via drone- (seeing is believing comrade),

Navalny is the STAND TALL HERO, (with that much brass)- he doesn’t need Putin’s ZERO stature.

Hitler (and top Nazi brass) kept their ROTTEN spoils in Switzerland; (a NAZI hedge fund) …hedging FASCIST WAR bets, that- crime pays big shots…
while poor citizen’s struggle.

MYSTERY repeats itself.

Trump never pay taxes, Putin robs em blind, Ukraine’s refugees don’t own hedge funds, Russian conscripts are returning “boxed”.

Putin’s DEAD male-piles up- ZERO fan mail.

Humor Times

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