Letters to the Editor

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On Earth As In Heaven, Thy Song Be Sung

To the people of the world, and especially those who are surviving in Ukraine,
here’s a song to brighten up your sky, and counteract the gravity of each day:


In the school where I was trained

Lived a horde of Russian bots

But they sold their chips ‘n brains

In the land of cosmonauts

So we flew right past the Sun

‘Till we found the capsule locks

And we lived beneath the moon

With a bunch of cowboy boots

We all live on a yellow space station,

Yellow space station, yellow space station

And our Ukes (no nukes) are all aboard

Many more of them are on the way

And planet earth begins to sway

In our fellowship of blue and gray

We all live on a yellow space station

Yellow space station, yellow space station

[Sick of Putin, comrade, sick of Putin

Sick is the word for him, Sergey

Drop your pants, Oleg, open your fly . . . ]

We all live on a Yellow Space Station,

Yellow Space Station, Yellow Space Station

We all live on a Yellow Space Station,

Live and die on a Yellow Space Station . . .

*Cf. John Lennon and Paul McCartney,
“Yellow Submarine” (Revolver, 1966).
All copycat rights remain inclusive.

Humor Times



“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets… We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.” — Donald Trump, Junior
“We have all the funding we need out of Russia.” — Eric Trump
At deranged Donald Trump’s latest neo-Nazi Nuremberg pro-Putin pep rally, traitor Trump openly incited his White supremacist fascist fan club to violently attack schools and murder those American teachers who fail to hide the fact that slavery and segregation in America were race-based societal institutions of injustice and inhumanity. Trump is a demented demon.
On March 12, 2022 in Florence, South Carolina, the tangerine tyrant Trump ordered his crackpot QAnon cult member cretins to “lay down their very lives” to terrorize non-racist teachers in America for Trump the troglodyte’s personal amusement. I would like to know if Republican political candidates for local school boards all over this country actually agree with Trump’s terrorist tactics. If so, you have got to go! (Go back to school, that is.) Neo-Nazis have no place in education.
You would think that there would be some sort of figurative (or literal) limit on the amount of poisonous pro-Russian conservative Kool-Aid that Orange Jim Jones could get his sycophantic supplicants to greedily guzzle, but apparently not. With that far-right fascist fact in mind, let’s use their GOP herd mentality against them, shall we? They make an awfully easy target to hit. That’s for sure… a sure shot! https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=h_ie6vAvGnM
Speaking purely as a partisan Democrat now, please allow me to ask, plead, beg (whatever it takes) the Republican Party to renominate their defeated former president in 2024. Trump fooled the GOP once in 2016. Shame on Trump. Trump fooled the GOP for a second time in 2020. Shame on Republicans generally. If Trump fools the GOP for a third time in 2024, go ahead and give me the credit personally, because delusional dimwit Donald is going to lose – AGAIN! Run Trump run!

Jake Pickering
Arcata, CA, USA

Humor Times

made man

Trump says “nobody has been tougher on Russia” yet Putin’s sanction of American’s doesn’t list any Orange TUFF GUYS.

Biden and Hillary got listed, even Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd can’t trade dollars for rubles now- yet Trump’s rolled a red carpet.

Three weeks plus into “Vlad’s invasion” (Trump described as genius)- yet NOW when asked what he would say to Putin?


What does this Betrayal and SILENCE say about the GOP? – Blame Biden, right? Go Brandon, right?

WRONG- it’s beyond “politics” wrong, a seismic disgrace of WRONG.

What kind of NATIONAL SECURITY MESS would Europe be in if Trump succeeded in disbanding NATO? Blackmailed Ukraine? Bowing down to Putin’s every wish. Every minute of his mutation in office-America BEHELD-

President Orange Kompromat and his Crypto currency prenup wife.

It’s NOT simply a romp with prostitutes in Moscow, -otherwise Stormy Daniels would have shamed his FAKE mumbled marriage vows.

We WILL find out what WEIRDNESS Putin has on Trump and his crooked Family.

Know this- it’s awful.

So pathetically compromised he (still) let’s this crackpot dictator smear poop on his GRATEFUL lips, Trump kneels before Putin, what Vlad says, how Putin wants it. -YES MASTER.

Trump is owned. A subservient Manchurian candidate in cartoon red ballcap, private dancing for his KGB organ grinder.

In mob parlance –“an unmade man”- a eunuch.

Humor Times

Countdown to Kickoff

Now that Tom Brady has come out of retirement,
Joe Namath will follow suit-up. Commissioner
Ford Bronco has just announced that “Broadway
Joe” will lead the cinderella-dwelling Ukrainian
Underdogs against the Russian Oligarchs in the
Smirnoff Bowl, hosted by the recently reformed
NBL (NATO Brinksmanship League). The winners
will receive 500,00 cases of ammunition, plus the
coveted Allan Dulles trophy. The losers will drink
Molotov cocktails under the grandstand, before as
well as after the game. Asked whether he could
defy all the odds-makers again, as he did in 1969,
Namath said “they have the horses, but we have
the jets,” hinting that the Underdogs will rely on
their aerial attack to offset the Oligarchs’ ground
game. Although he refused to guarantee victory,
Namath did sanction throwing the bomb, “unless
they use it first.” Former running back Fiona Hill,
who was penalized for interfering with No. 45 in
the 2019 Impeachment Bowl, contends that such
an event is unlikely, unless the Oligarchs resort to
a “Hail Marxist” pass as the nuclear clock expires.
In case of “sudden death” overtime, Ukraine will
play against Poland for loaves and fishes on Good
Friday, followed by the Easter Parade in Red Square,
to be arrested over every station of the double cross.

Humor Times

epic fail

Less than 100 years ago Russia starved Ukraine.

1932-32 Joseph Stalin- sold (stolen) Ukrainian grain for foreign cash needed to build foundries and industry in Russia.

4 million died, (a man-made famine), called the “HOLODOMOR”- sort of what Putin is “serving up today”

The Ukraine resistance called “KULAKS” were crushed, citizens resorted to eating tree bark, Stalin’s wife was so appalled -she killed herself in 1932- Stalin got steel production… (but at what cost?).

I breath a sigh of relief… Vlad’s “mistress” doesn’t have to deal with the shame of “PUTIN’S WAR” on Ukraine.

Alina Kabaeva and Vlad’s 4 kids have been “safely stashed away” in SWITZERLAND!

Baby Daddy Putin (69) is protecting Alina (38) in some secret chalet (above the clouds of criticism) in neutral Switzerland.

At least Stalin “walked the walk” of bolshevism.

Nobody “was hidden” outside Russia in a goldbrick castle of chocolate. Stalin was revered because he was THE man of STEEL.

Putin “is despised” because his ideology is- GREED.

Stalin was feared -he never had to “talk the talk”- HE WHISPERED.

Hitler heard THAT WHISPER- loud and clear- Stalin – “it takes a brave man to be a coward in the Russian army”, couple that with “an actual political philosophy” Soviets pummeled Nazism back to Berlin.

Putin is a FAKE dictator shrinking into a TINY TIN sardine can.

Vlad stole Russian oil wealth, deceived his army, attacked Ukraine while hiding family abroad.

Putin’s EPIC FAILURE will not be forgiven by Russian Generals, Military or Citizens.

Humor Times

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