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Vlad’s liberation slog to Kiev- coffins and funerals pile up… meanwhile- Church pews and weddings in Moscow are noticeably thinning out.

Bashar al-Assad heard PUTIN’S FUNERAL DURGE-he generously decided to “pitch in” with battle-hardened ALAWITE mercenaries.

Did Vlad persuade HIS Russian Orthodox Church to “SIGN OFF” on HIS soldier of fortune idea- ensuring Caucasian Russian’s are STILL around for candle lighting and hymns?

Wouldn’t the Russian church favor Shia Muslims murdering Ukrainian Christians?

Sign here.

Putin to Assad- “I helped you kill Syrians; KILL UKRAINIANS! It’s win-win- for losers

-sign here.

Mercenaries get to meet Allah, WE stay BEAST friends, I keep ANGRY Russian Mothers out of prison protesting MY SPECIAL MILITARY OPERATION (war).

Will Syria miss its hired guns? Is anything left of Syria after Russian bombed Aleppo to smithereens in 2016?
Let’s ask Alexander Lukashenko… he’s NEXT in that shrinking line of friends.

This cantankerous puppet dictator of Belarus was sitting next to Vladimir Putin JUST last week for a news fakecast- I mean basically sitting on Putin’s lap!

Not “far end of some Kremlin banquet table- more like… “my last beast fiend in the whole world seating arrangements” (exactly like with Trump)!

Perspiring so profusely- Lukashenko made ME nervous.

Luka was sopping a handkerchief (over his face) like death JUST dropped off an engraved invitation to his OWN hanging.

Putin didn’t look nervous- perhaps KGB training “kicked in” like Ol time religion.

Putin figured -when bullets fly- I’ll Use (Luka here)- as my human shield…

Humor Times

VICTORY-up in smoke

Old Chinese saying- “before invade Taiwan- OBSERVE Putin victory flight over Ukraine”.

Have Chinese purchase orders for Russian helicopters been canceled?

“Performance issues? lack of aircraft? LACK of limitless friendships?

I’m not celebrating anyone’s death BUT… judging from YouTube videos- Russian helicopter pilots life expectancy is about one mission – Putin should personally “fireball” one over his “SPECIAL MILITARY OPERATION” … (sooner BE better).

Don’t worry about Linsey Graham shooting YOU in the head Vlad… Linsey couldn’t shoot himself……………………………………………………out of a circus cannon.

Graham is still suckling voters under the shrinking sideshow called Trumpism.

Clown boots Trump barks “Vlad is ME- genius joined at lips”! Two idiots- one brain.

Marjorie Taylor Greene -reborn as “super war hawk”- she could bench press a T-72 tank but never enforce a “no fly zone”- Greene attracts flies like a diaper landfill of grift.

Do Georgian’s “feel safer” knowing “Goober Pea” bench-presses HER orders from Q?
Putin’s victory flight canceled … too much flak from angry MUTHA’s.

Mothers -demanding answers regarding 12,000+ Russian sons SUDDENLY- gone missing.
March Victory- up in smoke.

Vlad sent conscripts into his war zone without a map home… Putin issued mobile crematoriums instead.

Bombed Ukrainians, dead Russians, all humanity awash with more violence.

Moscow “disinformation” can only float Mr. unsinkable VLADtanic -no lifeboats in sight.

Hope we survive “anchor chain Vlad” dragging everyone to Hell.

Will Mr. cornered “RAT”- nuke our entire world?

FELLOWSHIP torpedoed by a thoughtless nobody.

Humor Times



Now this next thing that I have to say,
Please don’t take this the wrong way,
Not trying to be a homophobic douche,
But sometimes you just have to let loose:
Putin’s mom was an East German whore!
KGB Count Dracula Vlad the Impaler sucks
On rusty old rural American Ford truck nuts.

YouTube player

Jake Pickering
Arcata, CA, USA

Humor Times



Republican politicians are deplorable liars
Whose brain circuitry are all crossed wires.
They’re disappointed that their latest lie
Was so laughable they sounded very high!
Health & Human Services are giving away,
They say, free crack pipes all night & day?
Are you freakin’ kidding me, racist GOP,
With your Sean Hannity psychotic lunacy?
Where do these Fox fascists get this crap?
LET’S GO DARWIN! The GOP won’t adapt.
Go down with the ship, Trumptanic fools.
Deranged Donald is going to trial soon!
Trump the Chump will lose. Stay tuned!
The GOP will self-destruct bigly in 2022.
When Trump runs & loses again in 2024,
It will be from behind a prison cell door.

Jake Pickering
Arcata, CA, USA

Humor Times

unfit for any duty

During Trump’s “elite donor” speech (March 5, 2022)- in New Orleans, DT suggested painting USAF jets with Chinese markings “and bomb the shit out of Russia” that’s sick- not funny.

Disrespecting our Military with “bar stool” racist humor – same mouth that claimed (last week) Putin is a GENIUS.

Armchair (BONE SPUR) warrior “DT” pontificating to evangelical millionaire (dim wits) in Louisiana WHO think war in Europe will bring glorious end time heavens.

GOD’s crackpot political solution (as determined) by those who don’t believe in a separation of Church, State or Stupidity.

still rooting for team MAGA?

Remember Trump’s campaign manager Paul Manafort?

If you believe (grifter) Manafort worked on behalf of a Russian oligarch in 2014 “FOR FREE”, then you also believe Flynn NEVER LIED to the FBI about his contacts with Russian Ministers.

Manafort is 5 million dollars richer and pardoned, hysterical? – Manafort having a forensic tax audit.


Trump personal attorney Rudi Giuliani was sent by Trump to rub out (then) current ambassador Marie Yovanovitch, that’s NO JOKE either.

Vile history tattooed on Trump’s mug- same smug that never apologized for “cops murdered” during a premeditated Capital insurrection.

Anything funny yet?

There is an indelible proven BLOOD line of treason that runs through Putin, Trump, and this war in Ukraine.

ZERO “laugh lines” fellow citizens-

A SICK BLOODY piece of Vlad’s oligarchy pie plus “Trump towers” in Moscow – EXCHANGED for Putin’s gun barrel enslavement of 44 million Ukrainians.

Sociopathic pharos- Prump and Tutin.

Humor Times

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