Letters to the Editor

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There was a young lady in Congress,

whose speeches refuted her protests.

Her mind was so warped and grotesque,

they located no waves on her brain test!

There was a young lady named Greene,

who was just dying to create a big scene.

She stirred up her words, then added pure nerve,

making Donald spill all of his red beans!

There was a fine Georgian named Marjorie,

with a knack for linguistic skullduggery.

They took her to task, for not wearing a mask,

till she mastered the fine art of perjury.

There’s a place down south named Rome,

which a member of Congress calls home.

Once in the Forum, she abandons decorum,

Spouting venom as her mouth spews its foam.

Humor Times

On file in Florida

Is Merritt Garland in a coma? Has any executive (who planned 01/06/2021) gone to jail?

An elementary class could provide evidence enough- Videos available on Fox News.

Like a reptilian orange mob boss- the first thing Trump did in office- was put every classified document he could steal- on his scaly thumb drive.

Every political enemy NOW has vulnerable files parked at Mar-o-Lago.

Blackmail- easier than -ordering cheeseburgers.

Trump’s failed casino in Atlantic City made IT clear – everyone in local New Jersey government was chained to his sinking garbage barge.
Trump singlehandedly bankrupt Atlantic City and gave everyone the finger.
Next drive by shooting- the White House!

Is anyone REALLY surprised “top secrets, classified files” were shipped to a FAKE golf palace in Florida?

Trumps INFO WAR finale will cripple anyone and everything who threatens overdue justice… want proof? Behold-HOW the GOP bows before “he who holding dirt on everyone”.

Trump’s tax cheating, money laundering, modius operandi, malfunctions- security risks- known for decades.

What happens when blatant criminals float to the top of a DC toilet? THIS VERY predictable CAR WRECK- traitors in the wheelhouse.

Did the FBI figure this “total moron” could march up our national end zone? They should have.

Industrial titans in 1930 Germany lost control of Hitler in the same way.
Their GOOSE-STEPPING puppet called his OWN tune, pulled THEIR strings, and sold Germany down the Rhine- our current undertow is that same deliverance movie NOW SHOWING in 2022.

Humor Times

Another Day, Another False Alarm

The New York Times (Feb. 9) reports that China and Russia have formed an “alliance of
autocracies,” which the Washington Post refers to as a “bid to make the world safe for
dictatorship.” This will undoubtedly provoke immediate retaliation by the leaders of
the free enterprise world, led by Amazon, Wal-Mart, Apple, CVS, Berkshire Hathaway, Exxon Mobil, and the Pentagon, to protect all our interest rates at home and abroad.
As the CEO of the Walt Disney Company warned during an emergency session of the
United Multi-Nationals in Orlando, FL, “when you worship big red stars, we will launch
huge bidding wars.” Uniformed courtesans fear that this could lead to a “show time”
between East and West , reminiscent of the Cuban Missile Crisis, yet featuring more
commercials than in 1962. At that time, the World Series had just concluded: to no
one’s surprise, the New York Yankees won, though it took them seven games (plus
three acid rain delays) to defeat the San Francisco Giants in the first transcontinental
feud between Real Americans and Rebellious Nationals. This time around, the Super Bowl pits the Entertainment Elite vs. the Rust Belt, with Roman Gladiators anxious to
claim the Empire Trophy (Anno LVI) for the spoiled victors. The stage is set for virtual
bore, and although the outcome is not in doubt, the carnage will satisfy the spectators,
and sell enough beer to reduce global warming, which will eliminate toxins from the
Ohio River and the Pacific Ocean. Thus it is likely that the soap opera will continue,
much as it did during the Cold War, but with more attention to broken-bone bribery
than razzle-frazzle brinksmanship, plus a renewed emphasis on the opioids of the
masses as a substitute for rational discourse–never mind, democratic governance.
As one fat cat conceded, albeit off the broken record, “the fix is in, but the spread
depends on how many suckers go overboard, and how many poor devils go under.”

Humor Times



The GOP are stupid, selfish, bigoted SOBs
Who are pro-pandemic and full of disease.
These right-wing whack jobs want to kill
Anyone who won’t pay Trump’s legal bills.
That fascist freak claims to be a rich man,
Maybe Trump is just poor White Trash Klan?
Will Ivanka the daughter he raped go to jail?
Or will Ivanka send Donald straight to Hell?
Ivanka Trump, end this nonsense right now!
Tell the world Donald abused you and how.
We all know Ivanka’s daddy molested her!
It’s time the corporate media said the word:
INCEST – since it’s what Donald loves best.
He doesn’t love Ivanka. Donald lusts for her!
A caring, loving father Donald Trump isn’t.
Don’t drop the soap in the shower in prison!
And don’t even get me started on Jr. & Eric.
Trump’s low-IQ sons are wannabe terrorists,
But no one is afraid of these cocaine fiends.
Both sons were born with venereal disease.



Jake Pickering
Arcata, CA, USA

Humor Times

Ronald the RayGun

Ronald the RayGun

White insurrectionists are nostalgic for Ronald Reagan’s white America.

Ronny would have won 1984 without climbing into bed for evangelical church nuts…look what HELL that crackpot marriage spawned.

Reagan PLAYED his part… Early on TV-keeping big tobacco smoke in the public’s eye …hawking CANCEROUS Chesterfield cigarettes.

Gaslighting fellow actors’ “political beliefs” was how Ronny rubbed ideological lamps.

Nobody except (PHONY draft dodger) John Wayne was WHITE enough for Reagans Christian Army.

Ronny’s famous parody line “I’m from the Government, and I’m here to help” Reminds me -who exactly did Reagan help besides the wealthy? -Reagan crushed poor people like cigarette butts.

FAILED (tinkle down) economic theory meant- Piss on everyone poor.

Ronny basically “outlawed” Unions by jailing air traffic controllers, nut case wife Nancy was equally crazy -like Reagan’s Military Industrial Complex spending spree, she lived HER government lifestyle on a blank check sofa.

Instead of mutual respect, Reagan went out of his way to humiliate Gorbachev, – what legacy did this create?

Nancy employed a full-time psychic, seanced Iran Contra ghosts, Ollie North, and fascist goon squads in her Republican crystal cabal.

Democracy and hope WERE murdered (wholesale) in Central America by Reagan’s corporate soldiers of misfortune.

TODAY’S “border problems” resulted directly from Reagan’s scorched earth policy in Honduras, Nicaragua and Central America.

Thanks Nancy… for “just saying KNOW to drug lords”-

Reagan’s CIA made “crack king” in black ghettos-(Reagan’s trifecta CASH COW) -secret billions from selling crack, incarceration and disenfranchising BLACK AMERICAN VOTERS.

Reagan never helped anyone except other -BAD ACTORS.

Humor Times

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