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Buy a 500 dollar house in Detroit in 2022

It’s possible to buy a house (with property) in Detroit Michigan right now (2022) for 500 bucks.

No housing shortages in the Motor City, no hyper inflated real-estate – Purchase an actual brick house for less than a… barely running used car.

100 years ago- Detroit was a showcase of quality neighborhoods.

Detroit remains the heart of what’s gone wrong with inequality and decay in America.

This we MUST fix.

Today is an era of sky-high housing prices and trillionaires racing to develop “space tourism” …are repairs in Michigan more complicated than sending a 10+ billion dollars telescope into orbit?

A million miles away, searching for stars- (sounds scientific) … but-WHAT about human priorities here?

Detroit has all the hallmarks of a “great city”- proximity, water resource, industrial capacity -a thousand reasons why every star should align here.

Abandonment – unacceptable.

IF “blaming poor people” sounds plausible- than… GIVE POOR PEOPLE EQUAL CREDIT for building “Tiger town”, They didn’t run off to suburbs, with all the LOOT-Detroit was purposely…left behind.

Not sassy- just inclined to request- OUR Federal government relocate to southeast Michigan until Tiger Town -is back from the dugout.

If the Federal government can’t make reasonable progress, they should stay until Hell freezes over.

doesn’t America need ELECTRIC TRAINS and steel tracks HERE and NOW?

If Hell freezes over-WATCH how (skating on sharpened steel), RED WINGS can-LIGHT UP CROWDS and SCORE BOARDS.

Call it- TIGER TOWN, MOTOWN or… “MOTOR CITY”- just never… lights out-game over.

Humor Times

Super Boot Camp

Now that Super Bowl LVI is at last upon us,
here’s the burning question for spectators:
will the Washington political football pub
get sacked again, as they were in 2021?
Or will the country simply go for broke?
Should be quite a tussle between those
Woolly Mammoths and Huge Jackasses.
Not to mention that traditional rivalry
between ol’ Mishegoss and Deep State!
There’s already an over-flow mob scene
on hand-grenade at the Rotunda Ellipse,
anticipating the kickoff on Fall of Empire!
Officials are ready to fire the final gun!
Stay tuned for the pre-coup riot,
the post-coup cerebration, and
the latest play-action fake views!

Humor Times

MAD about VLAD

Mad about Vlad

Russians Know the scope of Putin’s criminality, palaces, and crude investments.

Russians – like good folks everywhere, -struggle along, do what’s told, believing none of what they hear- reaction to invading Ukraine- THAT will be swift.

Russian valor defending their homeland is legendary. Hitler’s army discovered Russians fought to their death.

Fascist Nazi plans meant slavery- then annellation, Soviets (nearly singlehandedly)- kicked German uniforms back to Berlin.

Soviets In Ukraine would not be liberators- no flowers, no bear hugs.

Russian infantry returning home in sealed zinc coffins, – Putin’s last act.

Afghanistan demonstrated how foreigners (carrying guns) are welcomed.

Putin’s (foiled) pipe dream of rebuilding HIS empire – already run out of gas.

Satellites wouldn’t march for him, not with patriotism.

Kazakhstan and all those OTHER Stan’s are stony wallflowers, they don’t dance for entertainment.

Cheap, rusty, vodka… entire neighborhood bombed-

Trump Moscow Hotel (clown waltz) demonstrated little, he cared even less about Russian “spheres of” influence.

Fiend for life-Vlad greased Trump’s political ignorance and ego; Biden’s victory- shot gunned that FAKE honeymoon to Siberia.

Vlad’s western spa treatment of cozy terms are on BORROWED time, public INTEREST rates in Moscow FROZEN, CREDIT-ability…TANKING das BANKING.

Stalin counted every RUBLE, eyed HIS potatoes, suspicious of every steamy boiler room- no manicures, less sleep.

With ballerinas in every palace bubble bath…Putin thinks… (while reaching for COMMUNAL soap on floor).

“MY BORCHST” -what could possibly go wrong?

YES-ALL YOURS! …Pleasant schemes comrade.

Humor Times

De Vivis Nil Nisi Malum

Headline: “Attempted Assassin John Hinckley, Jr. is Starting a Band and
Looking for Musicians” (Zoe Strozewski, Newsweek, January 19, 2022)

Scott Fitzgerald was dead wrong: there’s nothing but second and third acts
in American lives. Let’s ask the late Stephen Sondheim to stage an encore
of all the Assassins, so they can take another bow, and reprise all their hits.
If he’s not available, perhaps Mr. Hinckley will revive the original production.
What began as tragedy won’t end as farce–it will just repeat itself endlessly.
Eventually, Mr. Hinckley will develop a cult following playing at state funerals.
After that, he’ll host a telethon to raise money for disabled press secretaries.
Then, a podcast, followed by TED talks and virtual ticker-tape parades. Alas,
no one ever broke into show biz overestimating the taste of the undertaker.
Why should he be different? And who cares if my guitar gets the creeps?
Whatever else Mr. Hinckley is, he’s no Aristocrat–that’s the saving disgrace.
Those who do not remember the past are condemned to hear it in concert.

Humor Times

Blue Bloods

Soap opera- British buffoonery- featuring the “Royal Family.”

Queen Mumsy realizing LATE… My “multi-Billion dollar-royal corporation” NOW jeopardized by FIRSTBORN NITWIT- Vice Lord Sweatamous.

Vice Admiral- now stripped of purple silk underwear, and clown Hats… faces pedophile charges as – mere “private citizen”.

Guards! summon my Beef Eaters! -half-baked heir tarnished Mums- Blueblood aristocracy.

(This smoldering mess NOW involves private citizens and cannibalism).


Empty silver plates… shipwrecked on Epstein’s Pedophile Bermuda gulag… Vice Admiral Boobsworth – “permanently out to lunch”

High Tea served features: -steamed credibility, raw facts, poached teens- smothered in secrecy.

Other Documented hull worm’s islanders- “barnacle”- Bill Clinton and “sand flea”-Donald Trump-


Those lowest on Epstein’s food chain- (dozens of intimidated teenagers) “minnows” sacrificed to salty creeps with clutching little claws.

Any sober Jury -watching Prince Andrew CLAW through his embarrassing BBC interview would agree- “brick thick”.

Epic, jet setting, implausibility runs amuck.

BBC interviewers carefully lobbed this prince softballs- YET- His Majesty catapulted his soft little balls back with cringeworthy royal dismissiveness.
“Because I said So!”.

Mums’ fairytale garden…soiled by ball-less son.

“Not since medieval times- has DUNCEhood tallied such a -scorched earth”.

Remarkable barrage- Ol Chap! Unrivaled NAVAL midriff operations!

No ROYAL cheek unchapped, no belly unbuttoned.

Please be seated for our unAWARDing ceremony-

Tin Clustered, First (dis)order, scarlet, booty lace, seaman ribbon-(hold the sausage)!

Private citizens receive theirs as…printed plastic certificates.

Verdict reads-

Rotten apple- (poorly) shot off (wooden) head- by own (idle -sweaty) hands.


Humor Times

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