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Scary Christmas

News networks- please fully report details about Washington State Republican Senator -Doug Ericksen.

Doug (preposterously) attacked Governor Jay Inslee for mandating masks and vaccines.

Ericksen Dug his own shallow grave by refusing vaccinations- CROAKING Dec 17th of covid. (Age 52)

5 days later Sarah Palin (on stage) said, “getting a covid vaccine would be over her dead body” The crowd cheered…so did I.

Palin makes even “relativity” stupid people- feel like Einstein’s.

At “empty seat Americafest”- Fox Failure Bill O’Reilly (and Trump) sheepishly admitted getting booster shots – (crowd booing) … That’s BAAAAAAAD.

fleeced AGAIN.

Shotgun Wedding losers fertilize ROTTEN EGGS, nurture INVASIVE GRIFT, birthed 52 million Bubbas.

Mutha O’Reilly’s “EMPTY BOOB” suckled Fox News Bubbas with the only GOP (man-nipple) he could bluster- Dumbellism.

Forced to resign from his Fox anchor “teat” for abusing women- cast adrift.
“BYE” – fox’nFIENDS.

PIMPING SNAKE OIL to stupid people, empty stadiums – (kinda demoralizing).

Bluster daddies MANufactured BITTER formulas.

O’Reilly progeny… “march as one” the……………DEPLORABILLY’S.

Qanon Trump Orphans (ponder)… DONNY… why not take FELONY OWNERSHIP?

Pedophile (LOSER) Matt Gaetz can be your blind date- to justice.

TORCH BEARING DEPLORABILLY’S won’t boo ya DONNY …they brought portable gallows and Gatorade to Washington!

Just SAY it Trump-“I cheat Ma taxes, DEMANDED TREASON, sat on Putin’s lap, told my mob to shoot cops protecting our Capital, scripted “hang Mike Pence” relishing every brutality- on TV…smiling.


What will Congress do- anyWHO?

Finger broke- watch for horn.

Humor Times

Political HACK

Clarence Thomas- POLITICAL HACK.

Thomas actually “promoted” Trumps January 06 Capital riot on his (deleted January 08th) face book account.

In 2011-Thomas had to “amend” 20 years of financial disclosures never revealing his wife’s employment- meaning… like Trump- Thomas and his wife are lifelong TAX CHEATS.

Mainstream media neglects to report much about –“Ginni Thomas” and her involvement with Breitbart news or “Groundswell”.

Cult member Ginni- uses her ample weight and unelected privilege as battering rams for conservative treasonous agendas.

Ginni professes Christianity… yet openly promotes violence.

Secret meetings, close ties with Steve Bannon and Mike Flynn are just the tip of her sword.

Tag teaming conspiracy at the highest levels of our government-
“GRIFTER, ATTORNEY Ginni” knows she is a nobody without her supreme FLOP justice HUSBAND.

Illegal and immoral attempts to destroy progressive voting rights and democracy-
Ginni used her husband’s (Government paid) court work force as her personal conservative action committee latrine.

After January 06, (and the death of 5 people)- Ginni realized her “pro -Trump” behavior had broadcast way outside lunatic fascist lines… she issued THIS PATHETIC statement to a staff (that didn’t even work for her).

” I owe you an apology, I have likely imposed on you my lifetime passion”

“Owing” isn’t an apology.

Ginni’s Lifetime passion is HATE.

NO APOLOGY to America for wiping her big ass on our Capital.

Ginni and husband Clarence betrayed those who were murdered.

Perhaps she could fall on a plastic sword of justice in Jesus’ name instead.

Humor Times


Since Kennedy’s assassination in 1963 -GOP fascism plunges into an ugly abyss.

America wasn’t cheated by a lone gunman.
Traitor LBJ -had motives, means… muscle.

Kennedy was no saint, but clearly had a better “civic” vision than most.

Since 1963, JFK’s murder explanation… passed from LBJ to Nixon – redacted, blacked out, never fully released…EVEN NOW.

Logic- runs straight to MAFIA, CIA and TEXAS OIL VAULTS brimming with cash and murder… a conspiracy.

Brief summary-

Johnson’s Texas lawyer/partner hired MOB killers.

FBI’s- Hoover hated the Kennedy brothers.

J. Edgar was blackmailed by the MOB (because of his homosexuality), Hoover turned FBI attention from “ACTUAL COSA NOSTRA” criminals to- chasing imaginary communist ghosts.

Nixon was up to his big nose in MAFIA payments and casino corruption, a political gambler, he courted underworld personalities and took IOU suitcases in cash… he was a crook.

Before Castro…Batista operated a Cuban whorehouse of gangsterism- Nixon’s mafia “embraced” Batista -while honest Cubans starved in Havana.

Nixon planned Castro’s murder because “his mafia pals” were sent packing. – Castro was no saint, just an improvement over (organized) criminals- pimping Cuban families.

Exactly Trump’s empire- Casinos, real estate swindles, moving goal posts- laundering syndicate money, nothing “hung out” to dry -except citizens and their votes.

Can Americans believe the Warren commission? Knowing Gerald Ford was inserted into it… like a “magic bullet”- by Richard Nixon.

A redacted, silenced, truth remains… locked away.

Great leaders, a nation- bled dry, citizens just… scraping by.

Humor Times


Kentucky GOP Thomas Massie’s holiday card make it clear- he is “dreaming of a WHITE (fascist) CHRISTMAS.

Will his family be shipping out as soldiers of (mis)fortune, to share Holiday gunfire with 3rd world citizens?

Massie thinks “owning liberals” means using his OWN kids as stage props DOWN RANGE for the next insurrection.

“That’s a good look kids”! OK- now everyone scream “HANG MIKE PENCE- FOR JESUS”

They have now “unwittingly” endorsed Daddy’s massive ego and GOP insensitivity; the only people Massie has “owned” are -his own family!

Recent school shooting victims (not dead or in a coma) SALUTE Congressman Massie’s foot soldier Family. Thanks for the leadership.

It’s a classroom… -OPEN FIRE!

Thanks also for… Letting the entire criminal world know you have an arsenal “worth stealing” for some future bank robbery, I’m sure your personal residence is impossible to find on google.

Why settle for “low key” … if your precious family can be used as future hostages-
Thomas certainly has telegraphed those smiling faces to every corner of the criminal underworld.
-Isn’t that what every Congressperson does? There is no breach of security.


Massie- If you handle your own family safety with such stupidity, you will surely do an outstanding job for constituents who need ammo.


Where is Granma? Didn’t she want to aim a grenade launcher at the non-Christian world?

Grampa probably fought in a “real war” somewhere and knows what an idiot his son is.

MERRY CHRISTMAS MASSIE-God will sort em all out.

Humor Times

It was Trump who made Flynn a 4-star general

Capital Police officer Sicknick (42 years old) died 24 hours after the January 06 2021 insurrection, official autopsy states he died of “NATURAL CAUSES”-(yeah, SURE…that’s totally plausible).

Sprayed in the face with bear mace by Trumps minions, Officer Sicknick died defending our Capital… (does any of that sound natural to you)?

Truth will Rewrite that autopsy. Trump sacrificed a Hero’s life on OUR capital steps.

Being a coward, Trump didn’t even lead his own lunatic charge, he hid in the White House calling EVERY deadly shot BY PHONE- (it’s all recorded).

Trump directed others to commit murder.

Are you listening Merrick Garland? –(WE WATCHED IT ON TV).

Trump initiated, televised, and still celebrates his riot, never lifted a finger to stop it, encouraged white nationalists to chant “HANG MIKE PENCE” he never apologized for anything- (a remorseless murderer).

Traitors should be keel hauled, not allowed to parade about celebrating Kyle Rittenhouse, Goslar’s snuff films (or defying investigations).

If the Justice department had eyes open and hands on the wheel, General Charlie Flynn- (brother of a proven traitor Mike) would have been subpoenaed (MONTHS AGO).

Charlie was made 4-star general on Trumps watch- (gee…what a coincidence)?

Charlie was hurriedly transferred to the Pacific theatre instead of
explaining his part in a conspiracy his (TRAITOR)- Qanon ranting, brother- engineered.

Who besides the Flynn brothers ceded this killing field? –(many apparently).

Trump’s fascist actions, (and pentagon inaction)- led directly to Sicknick death.

Judas sold out America for 30 silver (plated fake) coins.

Humor Times

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