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Joe Biden- move faster Joe

Democrats snatch defeat from the jaws of victory-


HR 1 is current lip service- no action- Get going Joe!

On a local and State level- Republicans are stealing what they can’t win.

GOP acknowledges- they don’t win popular votes. No plan, platform or Science- so expect January 06th events everyday now


A January 06th investigation would move faster if Biden ordered General Charlie Flynn to return from the Pacific Theatre to explain…

Flynn sat on his hands for hours (merely) observing violence that day.

Anyone with a TV set watched CLEAR and PRESENT DANGER- Flynn did nothing-
( exactly-AS PLANNED).

Flynn denied being in the briefing room as decision maker, (proven lies), He is currently reassigned full rank and pay grade in the Pacific -how is this abomination possible without-

This perverse Heckle & Jeckle cartoon has everything to do with (Charlies) “cracked pot” Trump loyalist brother (Mike). Both act above the law and below any standard.

Mike (also a disgraced General)-was involved with Russian operatives, was asked in Federal Court (by a Federal Judge)- “is there any reason why you shouldn’t be tried for treason?”
Mike was pardoned by Trump- like a dozen other criminals- they should ALL be in prison.

Brother Mike isn’t anything like Jimmy Carters (nobody) sibling- Mikey answered directly to Trump.

Instead of keeping low profile, Mike collects a lucrative Military pension while publicly proclaiming “America should have been overthrown- just like in Myanmar”!

Obvious, blatant, premeditated, criminal-


Humor Times

Apollo 11, Dionysius 404 BCE

Today (July 20, 2021), on the 52nd anniversary of the first walk on the lunar surface by Apollo 11 astronaut Neil Armstrong, it is only fitting to recall that historic event by reciting his famous words, albeit in a fashion that encapsules America’s new age, which has gotten old well before its time: “that’s one more faux pas for The Man, one giant bleep for millions of unkind men.”

Humor Times

Election Reroute

I can hardly wait for the live streaming of the recount of the 2020 Arizona election retreads on Offal Air Network.

It’s taken so long, even the Cyber Ninja Turtles are dying of boredom. However, I’m willing to bet my Barbie Doll House (where I keep my private collection of intelligent designer toys from ages ago) that the auditors manage to find 11,780 votes for Donald Trump that were lost in the Maricopa County shuffle, which would more than suffice to give Trump the victory, since Joe Biden won the Grand Canyon state by a slender margin of 10,457.

Unfortunately, all but one of those votes were added on in Georgia, while Brad Raffensperger was tied to a chair, gagged and handcuffed, and locked in a bunker with Marjorie Taylor Greene, then flown west to serve as proxy votes until such time as Stacey Abrams agrees to take Raffensperger’s place and sacrifice herself as a martyr to the cause of collective insanity. (Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms cast the other vote, to save Abrams from ever having to drive through Dalton, even at high speed).

Whether those 11,780 votes count in either jurisdiction, let alone in both, is, as the Supreme Court has ruled (cf. Sleaze vs. Sludge, 1776 U.S. Rt. 66), “highly problematic.” But in the worst case — which we are rapidly nearing, as if the edge of the abyss were only a few yards from the approach to the South Rim — at least we know where to dump all those votes. Provided it doesn’t violate an EPA regulation against political pollution or desecrate what was once sacred land — that is, until Coronado gave the New World Disorder a head start on the 1619 Project, 80 years before colonialism became offal, er, official.

Meanwhile, if Trump wants those 11 electoral votes, I’m all for rigging something up, simply to satisfy him. Give him a fairway chance to finish first by making a hole-in-one at Kaibab Country Club, where the water hazard is 3,600 feet below the tee, and the pins are neatly spaced along the needles of stately Saguaros. Even if he doesn’t win the race, he’ll be in his cups — unlike the rest of us losers, who are still teed off at the world, yet stuck in the sand.

Humor Times

Jim Jordan’s Peeps

January 06th MAGA rioters are finally having their day in court.

BIG Media peddles a PATHETIC back story – Mr. Joe Blow- (average hard-working American)- just sort of lost his MAGA mind … boarded a charter bus in Midland Texas (or wherever) to DC with body armor, zip tie hand cuffs and bear mace.

Sounds PREMEDITATED- if you want to hang Vice President Pence…that is.

So… who exactly- chartered that bus Mister?

Bottom line is- this was a premeditated attack- they wanted Senators and Congresspeople to HANG- that defines lynch mob.

Trump said he was going to march on the Capital …with you-

Coward- never lead his own charge.

That day, Citizens died for his FAKE CAUSES. Trump claims Ashli Babbitt is a MARTYR- is that RIGHTstag?

Did Trump attend her funeral? Send flowers? Care less?

Eagle Eyes on MISSION FAILURE Stewart Rhodes- (visionary Leader of the Oath keepers)-
(oops…ma bad)!

Musta Seed me a commie!

Gandhi said- “an eye for an eye means the whole world goes blind”- Rhode’s is halfway UNENLIGHTENED.

Pence was in full retreat while the Pentagon stood… trousers down.

A Confederate battle flag FLEW in the Rotunda, police were MURDERED, meanwhile… Trump chilled from an igloo- eating Cheat-oos, vomiting on Kevin McCarthy, via phone.

What happens when you give a Psycho Mob Boss just a little more rope? With TREASON so close to its stated DEADLY objective.


-Case dismissed-

(Just- us- served).

Humor Times

FCC fun house

In order to be “really funny”- I filed a complaint online with the FCC against FOX NEWS!

It was easy, and who knows- enough complaints… and maybe Fox and fiends will stop killing our fellow citizens with Covid DISINFORMATION.

Hard to believe that is their PUNCH LINE- killing people- hey look-GRAMA IS ON A VENTILATOR-ha ha ha.

ONLY IN AMERICA can a 24-hour news network KILL THEIR AUDIENCE, your friends, our family, the people down the street-hey look ANOTHER COFFIN
-he choked, get it?
Cough in?

ISN’T THAT A SCREAM? I love when the jokes on me…don’t YOU?

Another funeral for some old people, you know what would be really funny?

OK… hold on to your funny bone- lets load a COVID corpse and shoot it through the window of Fox Broadcasting while Tucker is talking LIVE on air!!!!!

some DEAD person goes flying through the TV studio… wearing a MAGA t shirt or something???????

I really haven’t worked out all the details, and maybe its really not that funny, but- HEY…at least I’m sorry for sayin right?

That’s more than you can say about that undertaker named Rupert Murdoch-

that’s the WISEguy who owns that Fking Fox fun house-


of that diseased brain outfit, with money pouring out of his custom-tailored pockets.

Humor Times

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