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Pence and Trump are a modern day Laurel and Hardy skit-
“another fine mess you got me into!”

5 years ago, Pence was certain he would take over as soon as Trump “grabbed another pussy” or wet kissed Vlad on his KGB.

Ironically…Pence’s election plans were spoiled by a white lynch mob of militant Christians screaming “HANG MIKE PENCE”.

SNL couldn’t make this stuff up!

Trump has already defined his Commodian stooge VP…HE would go down history’s toilet- as “a pussy”- Political theatre so vulgar and off Broadway … it wasn’t reported on TV, only written press.

Pence crawls across scorched earth his knees – all the way to his GOP religious end times.

Will the noose and gallows (built in our Capital) end up in the Smithsonian?

What history!

It simply screams “premeditated murder”.

You mean we don’t have a YouTube video of who “erected” that fascist contraption?
Maybe Melania Picked it out of her 2021 Jim Crow Christmas catalog -“White Christmas in Hell”. Proud Boyz signed- COD.

Not to be outdone, Tucker Carlson furnished the FBI timbers and rope. Fox News needed rope- to keep those (rebel) holiday crowds- black.

Pence greased his bum picking up Trumps mess and got his well-deserved “come-up-Pence” for being a widget polishing lackey.
You know what your Bible says right Mikey?

You knew who Satan was “when you picked him up”, because Trump knew exactly “what you were” when he -shoveled you in.

Mikey…How is the view… from the bottom of a shoe?

Humor Times


As self-appointed Emperor of the Oregon separatist movement, my first duty is to relieve myself.

Hardliners (like Rambo) are already SECRETLY planning OUR breakaway province inside “New Idaho”.

An anti- liberal MAGA MANCAVE of Taliban Fascism.

Our biggest challenge isn’t creating a new economy because “crypto bit coin” mines are everywhere!

Bundy Ranchers will ALL BE as “filthy RICH” as rhinestone outhouses, just grab your metal detector, a fresh roll of TP-and GOfur GOLD!

HOWEVER…Finding women to buy into Neanderthal “GRATERTATOR”-(New Idaho) might take creative plumbing upgrades.

Women- (whom we call lovingly call “washboards”) can submit to Baptist styled Compliance and childbearing servitude (sans leadership) -so…(SIGN HERE BITCHES).

When new towns like “NOSIGNAL” and SLAGMUCK are created along the Old Oregon Trail- NO whiners allowed- bitching about –“ONEBAR”, NO heat, or tin-can-string-telecommunications.

If Women won’t air freshen this Brave New World with evangelical church styled hierarchy- our indominable testosterone will die on the MAN-vine of celibacy. (TRICKLE DOWN FURTHER theory).

(Social security and Pension checks can be sent to outposts if we ever suffered crop or power failures).

Export common sense and tranquility- stock pile- ammo, belt fed weapons and FAKE Rugged individualist- Clint Eastwood JUSTICE.

Everytown will be an OPEN-CARRY- OK corral- gun battle… itching for a false move, sign of weakness or shopping cart ding.

My (80’) RV features a MAGA holding tank, so dumping effluence onto (Liberal Land) National Forrest will be a thankless slog from Hell.

Qanon Patriot prayer portlets slogan-“WHERE ONE GOES-WE ALL GO”.

Humor Times


The price of wasting water is about to change dramatically, a sea change in thinking- like it… or not.

On a big scale, I am confident “IF” America conserved water like Israel (or Mediterranean regions)- “WE” wouldn’t be on “E”.

We can’t make more water, but smart public service messages might help divert a crisis.

On a personal basis: don’t blast faucets, flush toilets every pee, or shower for an hour.

Being pragmatic saves money. Shorter cooler showers are better for your skin and hair anyways.

Doing dishes in the sink, by hand- saves water.

Some pee in the Family toilet isn’t unsanitary.

When water levels go below a certain point, Hoover dam won’t even generate electricity.

Does growing coconuts at the north pole seem like a good idea? Maybe growing watermelons and rice in the Mohave desert ISN’T EITHER.

Hydroponic drip irrigation is smarter when the dam is empty- why wait?

I doubt anyone in Israel takes half hour showers, (probably-more like two minutes). they don’t waste their resources like a Los Vegas water park- because they have WAY LESS.

Even if you don’t live in a desert- why waste anything? Conspicuous waste isn’t just expensive, it’s wrong.

Having a billion dollars does not entitle one person to sop a golf course with what an entire community needs to share.

Another definition of unnecessary GREED is… knowing the price of everything, and the value of nothing.

Humor Times

ANTI fascist

“Anti-Fascist” has been cleverly changed to a foreign sounding word -ANTIFA. Is that some Mediterranean salad dressing? a skin disease?

It certainly seems menacing when used on Fox News.

Let take a moment to honor one of the original “Anti-Fascist” Heroes of WWII.

David Dushman recently died at age 98, the last surviving liberator of Auschwitz.

As a 21-year-old Russian soldier he drove his T-34 tank right over the death camps electric fences, they tossed their canned rations to starving victims … then in his words “drove on quickly, to keep chasing the fascists”.

David’s crew battled those Fascists every deadly step towards Berlin. He was one of only 69 soldiers from his original division (of 12,000) to survive WWII.

Hitler publicly declared his intention to starve and bomb Leningrad into complete annihilation, (that was just one city) in the gun sights of a siege lasting 900 days.

27 million Russians died because of Hitlers “BIG LIE”.

Another word game – the Nazi party called themselves “Democratic Socialists”- they were neither.

Germany become personality cult for one man’s lunatic crusade.

The buy in for that fancy uniform, jack boots and flag waving seemed reasonable- just your mortal soul, children’s future and everything else on your way to damnation.

Hitler’s politics demonized the press, elections had one certain outcome, alignment was with the wealthy.

Indoctrinate masses with poison, grievance riddled propaganda, phony doctrines, racial superiority over others, add a silent nod from the Church.

Apparently, GOP traitors haven’t learned a thing.

Humor Times

golfing in da ruff

Invented in Scotland (1552) Golf was a rugged sport for gentleman.

Golfers duffed their own clubs and bag; landscape wasn’t manicured into a superhighway for fat guys in golf carts, on cell phones- wearing starched white trousers-

Return the game to its pure original purpose- strategy, exercise and original landscape (with minimal extras) … otherwise – play Nintendo at the buffet trough.

If Sherlock Holmes cared to investigate, Trump’s entire phony resort empire receives massive farm subsidies for “growing golf greens”.

Trump doesn’t pay utilities either, because Trump brand is either a generous charity or public service- (meaning total fraud or bottomless grift).

Entire underground aquifers are “pumped dry” by golf resorts in Florida or Vegas at publics expense.
Desert golf courses are the shortest fairway to regional environmental catastrophe- change those bloated, leaking pipes.

Western states are in severe drought conditions- from now to any foreseeable future.

Sprinkler’s drench 18 holes in a desert. CONSPICUOUS CONSUMPTION tweet$ “MY world-everyone else can beg mouse holes in the rough.

To find the biggest hole at any Trump’s tax write off… just follow the crumbs- stuffing entitlement.

Golf won’t cease to exist when landscaping isn’t picture perfect- yet observe how golfing BILLIONAIRES deal with drought – “that’s other people’s dam problem- whatever’s green STAYS MINE”

Oops! – well ran dry… dam’s empty.

Minimum wage caddy’s “should tip” pampered resort tycoon Trump a scab of RAT cheese, QUENCH that binge whine…it’s a public service mouse actually can afford.

Humor Times

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