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Whiskey Tango Foxtrot MTG

Marjorie Taylor Green doesn’t recognize Joe Biden as President.

Rural Georgia politics apparently Begins with (bizarre) sexual fitness gurus, leads into Qanon beliefs, and ends as her smoldering NASCAR wreckage on the beltline.

Can’t tow her junk off the field soon enough.

ANYTHING common sense-is in MTG’s NRA gun sights, maybe her book will be called “RABID FIRE WEAPONS-beyond merely RABID sounding bites”.

Is MTG is an older Honey BooBoo or slightly younger Paula Deen?

Horror remake of the Beverly Hillbilly’s… Granny wearing a MAGA hat, swinging wrecking balls at our Capital (Some Gala Lady).

Her KKK team jersey says, “Mad Dawg from Georgia”. MTG Can’t acknowledge the opposition, she is neither “on” the ball or “in” the game- just fully “off” her chain- MarjorieBooBoo in da House!!

Who let dat Dawg out!!!

MTG – fails even a little league coin toss, burns down the mess hall… yet take a victory lap in her Qanon pace car.

Marj had her PIT STOP GOP strategy printed on Mar-O-Lago stationary. A racist- fast track- miles wide -one inch deep, marked-Qanon top secret for- TOTAL LOSER.

Hoof in Mouth is the cake she bakes! Disenfranchisement of black people is the organ she grinds! What’s better than Trump in heels? Lip stick on pig$! deep fried lard for diabetics! a rabid dawg whistling Dixie!


Its… “Qanon Marjorie’s Snake Oil Circus & Race relations Demolition Derby.”

Too wordy? how about- “Week Old Oyster in Hot Dumpster” still long in tooth? – let’s try…MTG. (Mini-Trump-Gator.)

Humor Times

ROGER stoned

Matt Gaetz transcript.

Roger Stone told me to say Daddy is wearing a wire for the FBI, whole thing is a liberal media set up -I’m smelling like roses.

(door knock) – it’s my new intern wearing a hula-hoop “take off your clothes – hang out with class act- Congressman Matt”- (his no-tel school room franchise).

like some KOOLAIDE to wash down the Ecstasy and bong smoke? how about a private jet to the Bahamas? I’ll pay your “tuition” with a phone app –ask any High Schooler – I’m Mr.Right!”.

Look- it’s BFF- Trump N’ me, myself and ME (say SLEAZE)

Fox News point man here- SELF-declared “King” of the Mullet Head Swamp Clown Rodeo (filmed live in good Ol’ Destin Florida).

(knock knock) … another deep state investigator- demanding my cell phone, Tax collector (Pal O’ mine) Greenberg said communism begins when a… handsome, millionaire, Congressman (ME) -can’t pimp out hungry desperate cheerleader bimbos (your daughters)- what’s GOP entitlement coming too anyways? (Pan camera to Clown tear drop)

Do I look worried about your no-knock warrant? I’m never going to jail, I represent Florida’s most conservative district, I’m filthy rich, daddy can pick up any tab, we own this beach front reality strip show, local Baptist Churches have already forgiven me, I’m build for battle, tip of the white conservative spear, got dirt on everyone. (cut tape)

I’ll write another scorchin book, name names. Circle the wagons Stone…Sheriff Matt here -demanding justice, I’ll see yall in Court…Bla,Bla,Bla.

Humor Times


Most current American political problems resulted from a (Republican majority) Ultra-Conservative Supreme Court (2014), awarding “corporations” the “rights” of living, breathing people- basically Frankenstein with a gavel.

The graveyard came alive- attacking average Americans- who couldn’t challenge this (now legal) and diabolical purpose driven insult.

Floodgates to secretive funding and operatives drown out common sense- no lifeguards in the Swamp.

This court suppressed voter rights in 2013 (Shelby v Holder) saying racist State governments could be “TRUSTED” to handle elections with fairness and dignity- just like THEY NEVER DID IN THE PAST.

Again- (behind fancy words) the Supreme Court intentionally injured citizens with mean-spirited bias- Easily provable results are Disenfranchisement and discrimination.

Liberals should laser focus (right now) on using our current majority to dump the Filibuster and add some (non KKK) robes to a corrupt Court.

Counterbalancing inexcusable wrongs can be done immediately, However…

Tone-deaf Democratic leadership (almost never fails) to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

One yard from goal line… it’s quarterback (zombie) Nancy Pelosi “Thanking George Floyd for sacrificing his life for ….
Say what?

RETIRE NOW -if you can’t find less ghoulish words lady. Like most of these Supreme Court (in)-Justices- DO WHAT’S RIGHT (before turning 666).

Justice isn’t rocket science. The basis for fairness -is- Would You want someone doing that to you?

Most elementary school classrooms would do WAY better Folks.

Humor Times


Congressman Devin Nunes, Little (district 22) Shop of Horrors.

Grafted to Trump, rotten apples never tumble far from the tree- Devin’s friends are low places.

Barley concealed fascism, Nunes has bean wasting voters’ thyme slopping his own high hog. Voters smell wishful stinkin in his stockyard.

“I’ve given you sunlight, given you rain, looks like you’re not happy…unless I open a vein.”-(taxpayer)

Nunes shills with nuts like Rudi Giuliani, Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman. Political weevils and carpet baggers- The Fresno Bee (local paper) says “We deserve better.”

Lettuce hope voters stop shoveling for his majesty’s mushrooms kingdom.

Nunes Leeked classified documents, turnips in Russian collusion, never earned his Congressional Celery and ain’t so grape for San Joaquin valley. He’s been “Putin” on the Ritz- while America’s heartland is squashed to beets.

Seedy liability, thin-skinned jams and personal pickles- Nunes dumps by the muck load.

We should have seed Nunes self-serving hypocrisy and drought of ideas from a country mile.

Leafing constituents with little more than cracked pots to pea in, Nunes nurtures rows of corporate donors not people.

GOP CORPORATE MEGA FARMING pleezse put your feed together to pray for deeper sink holes; more invasive pests, foreign feed bags, and poisoned wells… THANK DEVIN- thank You Cheesus- for these D-vine grifts… – It’s reigning manure and empty pork barrels in our valley!

Enough GOP dust to arti-choke? Tired of haywire (political) brain tubers? Feeling irrigated?

Nunes soiled out little farmers to Big AG years ago- VOTE -Adios Amigos.

Humor Times

Rifle Colorado

Congresswoman Lauren Boebert – (the embarrassment of Colorado 3rd district), has done nothing for Citizens- everything is self-promotion.
Boeberts constitutional understanding encompasses only one amendment, yet… she clearly doesn’t understand that either.
Taken to her level of absurdity, everyone should walk around America with pistols, ammo belts and a long gun ready. “HEY PAL…that’s ma park’n space!
Hospitals, daycares, schools- “watch out” here comes Dirty Harry, (I mean) … Boebert!
How about a full-on military flame thrower? Belt fed weapon?… Isn’t YOUR Church safer if Boebert and her Oath keeper pals pass grenades while “prais’n the lord”? (maybe not).
Boebert is certain her GAWD and Trumps Qanon angels will sort us all out… she has just the tools to “target” Liberalism, no background check or mental health required.
Driven by delusional Qanon principles and her history of domestic violence… “Boebert vision” perceives our world as one big bar brawl, – (1) “DO THE WHITE THING” (2) bring superior firepower- (3) appoint yourself vigilante (4) storm your State Capital for Trumpbertism, (like she did in DC January 6th 2021).
Boebert’s Momma (featured on a pathetic You tube video) calls herself Snookie, (5) hates “Brown” people, (6) packs pistols to Walmart. Mommabert (7) projects neither manors nor civility.
A “fully weaponized” Clan of redneck dumbbells- (8) attempting to Turn your life (and our Government) into a Mad Max movie.
Citizens BEWARE – Boeberts “bull” mental jacket and her seditionist rhetoric are (9) blaring a (tone deaf NRA) gun barrel polka- (10) near you.

Humor Times

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