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Penny’s from Heaven

Clarence Thomas presiding- (REMAIN SEATED).

I never walked a mile in Thomas shoes, but never had a LIFETIME APPOINTMENT to the SUPREME COURT either.

Imagine Martin Luther King meeting Clarence- after disclosures of Thomas’ bribes and empty excuses.

Perhaps a younger Ginni Thomas was “brainwashed” and Clarence “misunderstood”- TO WHICH I SAY… (who cares).

Clarence FAILED every obligation.

It’s time American media just call this kettle (black)-

(NOT so hard) … if your DEED BOUND – COLOR BLIND.


Humanity “automatically rises” to welcome (worthy) heroes like Nelson Mandela-
Meeting MLK (would be) a PROFOUND HONOR.

Meeting MLK might have ACTUALLY BEEN POSSIBLE…- IF Thomas wasn’t “undermining America” with Harland Crow types.

Harland Crow- NAZI FETISH, RIGHT WINGER, BILLIONAIRE, RACIST- with jets, yachts, lavish vacations, infinite bribes.

Clarence- Obediently stationed below-Crow’s feed trough.

No matter what else gets revealed -Thomas is a disgrace; (smug) with obvious transgressions.

Another well-heeled, robed grifter, same character (density) as George Santos- only- ten thousand times more dangerous and perverse.

Hand in cookie jar, gorging every last crumb of credibility and public trust.

Thomas and his “white whale” wife are prepared for every honest American to “GO DOWN WITH THEIR SHIP”- the VERY definition of shameless, incredulous- criminality.

Dripping gold plated entitlement, RIGHT WING FEDERALISTS- serve themselves.

MAGA Navy- expect US to abandon OUR ship.

No thanks.

If MAGA had a plank (besides greed)
– they should walk it.

Humor Times

Gotta Go

FBI Arrests Jack (OG) Teixeira

A member of Teixeia’s “DISCORD” chat group described Jack as a modern day- “RIGHT WINGER”

This “chat friend” recorded an exclusive Washington Post interview saying (21-year-old Jack) was sympathetic to Waco and Ruby Ridge conflicts- OG harbors “antigovernment” RAGE.

Chat friend said “OG-loved God, shooting guns, and was the leader of their group”. Considered a “tight knit family”- they called themselves “THUG SHAKER CENTRAL”. (Not Boy Scouts).

Chat friend said OG wanted followers- “fit, with God, well- armed… stuff like that”

Chat friend- “Jack was very smart; knew this was ILLEGAL”. Chat bud reported OG “wanted friends to be super soldiers”-just like him!

Other Kids remember Jack in high school, reporting Teixeira was a racist who (the day after a school shooting in Los Vegas) wore a shirt with an AR-15 print in class, he wasn’t trusted- (for good reason).

Chat friend said “OG was a charismatic young man” (Charles Manson)

Teixeia proudly recorded video at a shooting range “yelling racial and antisemitic slurs with a very large gun” before blasting more high caliber ammo down range. (like Jesus)

Jack: EXACTLY the RIGHT- WINGER- evangelical churches, turn out every Sunday, after prayer breakfast collection plate is passed.

FASCIST MAGA types listen to RIGHT-WING (24 hour) HATE RADIO (all day)- year after year after year… and Normal Americans wonder “where do all these fascist lunatics come from?

OG- Ohmy Gawd. T&P- Thoughts & Prayers. RA- Racist/Assholes. GG- Gotta Go.

Humor Times

Shopping for Judges with the Federalist Society

Federalist Society: War on America.

Most American’s don’t know this “Republican majority” Supreme Court is a DIRECT product of Federalist Society plotting.

Wealthy Extremist, Christian Fascist billionaires have weaponized Courts (all levels) to destroy our Constitution’s separation of Church and State.

Most Court justices are vetted and selected by Leo Leonard- ever heard of him?
Yeah- thought not.

Leo isn’t some “super patriot” battling injustice on behalf of average working citizens-
Federalists call Leo- KNIGHT of the SOVERIGN MILITARY ORDER of MALTA.

Don’t take my word for it- research this yourself.

Google search- Leo Leonard and his FEDERALIST SOCIETY MAFIA.

An authoritarian, secret religious sect – (no different than TALIBAN)- currently controls selecting OUR American Judiciary.

Ever hear this in “main stream media”? Conspiracy not theory.

Secretive clubs- working behind political scenes- never openly bragging about significant (legal) accomplishments (attacks).

Billionaire knights are not braggarts, NO lime lights- they have useful disposable idiots for that.

Federalist society templars playing long games.

Pawns like Clarence Thomas -STEALTHILY MOVED into position, time and Money -not a barrier.
For people with “all the money”- it’s always about power.

Federalists, churches and foundations- help themselves to massive TAX WRITE OFFS.

Robed Sponges, private jets, silk suited grifters, their double crosses- Trump everything.

Serving fascism- DISGUISED AS JESUS.

Our Constitution doesn’t mention “sovereign military orders”.

Find Malta on a globe yet? navigational charts identify an “off limits Island of billionaires and mafia banks” south of Italy.

America shouldn’t recognize Knights, dukes, kings and dictators -meaning… Federalists.

Humor Times


Besides providing an absolute security lockdown, New York’s DA “indictment” landed first- because BIGGER FEDERAL cases depend on access to Trump’s greasy little finger prints.

“Officially” arrested; HIS prints NOW reside in a national data base for law enforcement- nice touch Mr. Prosecutor.

Jack Smith no longer needs a federal judge’s “special” permission (or KID GLOVES) to confirm who’s prints are on what docket.

Donny and Jared Kushner slathered criminality on stolen TOP SECRET documents in Florida.

Forensics will sort out their felony fish stories- because Bojangles “white trash felony food fight” already ran out of katsup.

Prosecutors didn’t care about “Mr.dim wit’s” mug shot- (a pampered scowling yam).

Nobody will remember 45’s stupid private jet or even that a phony MAGA billionaire didn’t pay ANY bail.

The Fed’s clearly have BIGGER FISH to FRY- In this case…a big mouth ass – WHO-swallered the hook.

Sun burnt grifters- no chance of bailing on shameless lives… shorelines disappear before their very lies.

Based on prints (documents Trump says he “never touched”)- expect convictions of espionage in a Federal Court.

Bone Spur “Donny” continues barking into a “hot mic” from a cold fry basket.

Drop chicken tender in the grease.


Humor Times

WACKO texas

Trump incited another full throttle riot in Waco Texas.

White evangelical domestic terrorists deserve GAG ORDERS- not the IDIOT antics of Texas Judge Andrea Bouressa.

A TRUMP APPOINTED STOOGE- the bench mark of thin-skinned authority and poor judgement-
Bouressa allowed Sidney Powell to continue practicing law- instead of simply recusing herself.

Blame also goes out to YOU- Attorney General Merrick Garland -for letting this Texas sized MESS -drag on forever-thanks for nothing.

MAGA’s relentless WAR on America allows Tax exempted Churches to become more militarized, racist, politically paranoid and delusional.

NO civility- NO choir, NO Heavenly hymens- just weaponized racists pretending to be Christians.

TRUMP’S RETRIBUTION TOUR-(his BS words not mine)-

Retribution never includes handshakes or smiles, just some humorless Antichrist LOWERING everyone straight to his personal vendetta Hell.

Federalist society judges enable anarchy and fascism- their rite of passage is based entirely on privilege.

Many sane citizens would GLADLY travel Texas to watch a Taylor Swift or Willy Nelson concert, but never to suffer a hate fest- glorifying Trump stonewalling justice and hurling brimstones.

Judge Bouressa remains forked on Satan’s lap – front row, center.

STOOGE speak your twisted tongues judge; nobody can hear past your sagging robes clanging with those 30 silver coins.

Reserved colosseum seating RIGHT next to the emperor and TRAITOR Sidney Powell.

An evangelical lynch mob OR common sense?

Bouressa chose mob violence- dressed up in her (prayer breakfast) SLUMday best.

This lunacy has nothing to do with normal politics- EVERYTHING to do with Federalist society shills (like Bouressa)- enabling church driven extremists to strangle American democracy.

Humor Times

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