Trump Has ‘$500 Million in Cash,’ Sends Lawyers on ‘Easter Ego Hunt’ to Find It!

Trump Has ‘$500 Million in Cash,’ Sends Lawyers on ‘Easter Ego Hunt’ to Find It!

Trump claims he has 500 million dollars in cash – now he wants you to find it! Trump’s playing cat & mouse with his lawyers & trying the … Read more

Short on Cash, Mar-a-Lago Dinner Parties Go Bare Bones!

Short on Cash, Mar-a-Lago Dinner Parties Go Bare Bones!

Donald Trump is cutting back on the Steak & Ice Cream at his Mar-a-Lago dinner parties. Remember Trump’s fancy Dinner Parties at Mar-a-Lago where he served his “beautiful … Read more

Words=Money: Millions Accrue as Trump Flaps His Mouth to E Jean Carroll

Words=Money: Millions Accrue as Trump Flaps His Mouth to E Jean Carroll

After playing with Monopoly money all his life, Trump must now put his own money where his mouth is, including every mention of ‘E Jean Carroll’… That’s right, … Read more

How Much is a Lie Worth in the Dating Game?

How Much is a Lie Worth in the Dating Game?

$787.5 million for lies? What about Dating Lies? According to my study, they have different values: One-offs & Whoppers! It’s time for Online Daters to stop the dating … Read more

‘Who Wants to Be a Billionaire?’ The Gates’ Mating Call for New Suitors, Part 2

‘Who Wants to Be a Billionaire?’ The Gates’ Mating Call for New Suitors, Part 2

Listen in as Bill & Melinda Gates split heirs with their mating call for new suitors. At home with Bill & Melinda, comprising their mating call for new … Read more

Front-Porch Politics: Everyone Wants Populist Reforms

A People’s Action report highlights universal desire for real populist reform. If you despair that a mysterious plague of incurable political knuckleheadism has swept our country, turning previously … Read more
