Showing Patriotism in a Time of Chaos

In this time of chaos, woe and deep national divide, I’ll be damned to hell before I meekly sit by. I’m flying a flag these days. The Stars … Read more

Kellyanne Conway: ‘Alternative Words’ in Bill of Rights Allow Trump ‘Lots of Latitude’

Kellyanne Conway: ‘Alternative Words’ in Bill of Rights Allow Trump ‘Lots of Latitude’

“Restricting extraneous Freedoms of Press, Religion and Speech, and establishing Christianity as the State Religion are also ‘Alt-Word’ permitted,” said Kellyanne Conway, “as is, of course, the quartering … Read more

ALEC & the Koch Brothers Offer to Rewrite the Constitution

The new Founder, brought to you by the Koch brothers When you think of America’s great Constitutional originators, names like Madison, Adams, Jefferson, Washington, Hamilton and Franklin come … Read more
