Johnson Introduces ‘Comprehensive’ Immigration Bill

Johnson Introduces ‘Comprehensive’ Immigration Bill

GOP House prepares hard-line comprehensive legislation for new president. Addressing the chamber he heads, House Speaker Mike Johnson outlined the provisions of H.R. 01-06-21, which he promised would … Read more

Trump at CPAC: ‘I Will Keep Men Out of Women’s Shorts (I Mean SPORTS) – Top 10 Promises!

Trump at CPAC: ‘I Will Keep Men Out of Women’s Shorts (I Mean SPORTS) – Top 10 Promises!

And 9 other pie-in-the-sky promises from Donald Trump at CPAC! Donald Trump at CPAC gave the closing speech, saying ‘this is my final battle’ & ‘I will prevent … Read more

This is Your Brain on Aphorisms: Oval Office ‘Blown’ Job!

This is Your Brain on Aphorisms: Oval Office ‘Blown’ Job!

Impeach Trump for a “blown job” in the Oval Office. Ask me if Trump is unfit to be president and I’ll answer with an unqualified “YES!” When the … Read more
