Mark Meadows Texts Exposé: What Else Did Donald Trump Jr. Not Tell His Father?

Mark Meadows Texts Exposé: What Else Did Donald Trump Jr. Not Tell His Father?

We all know about Don Jr’s text to Mark Meadows with a message for his dad – but that wasn’t the first time! We now all know that … Read more

The Jerry Duncan Show Interviews Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer

The Jerry Duncan Show Interviews Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer

Wherein our intrepid talk radio show host interviews Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. ANNOUNCER Live from under a rock in your backyard, it’s The Jerry Duncan Show. … Read more

Trump’s Impeachment Trial Attorney: I Got Nothin’!

Trump’s Impeachment Trial Attorney: I Got Nothin’!

Two brilliant yesteryear Comics parody Donald Trump’s 2nd Impeachment Trial Defense Attorneys, jibber jabber who come up with *Bupkis! *Bupkis: Democrats chances of winning this impeachment trial… but … Read more

Who’s Really Behind the Desecration of Our Capitol?

What exploded in our Capitol on Jan. 6 is an outrage, a desecration of America’s democratic ideals. I don’t merely mean the ransacking and terrorizing of our Capitol … Read more
