This is Your Brain on Aphorisms: Their Lies the Answer They Want

This is Your Brain on Aphorisms: Their Lies the Answer They Want

Those trapped by their lies often seek an “escapegoat.” Maria Yovanovitch is my Lady Liberty, and Trump’s been hating on her yet again. Beside themselves, narcissists only love … Read more

Why Would We Trust Plutocrats to Save Us from Plutocracy?

Forgive me for not believing for a moment that there’s one iota of sincerity in this sudden assertion of egalitarian sentiment by today’s plutocrats. Ralph Waldo Emerson once … Read more

As We Gape at the Trump Sideshow, Corporations Are Picking Our Pockets

We have been captured by the mesmerizing All Things Trump sideshow — while we are being robbed blind. As America rapidly urbanized in the 1920s and ’30s, nearly … Read more
