The Motown Supremes, Chicken Supreme… But the Supreme Court?

The six-person majority of far-right “Supremes” is utterly corrupt. If the Court refuses to fix itself, the people must. The six-person majority of far-right “Supremes” who presently dominate … Read more

Supreme Thieves Disguised in Robes of ‘Justice’

The Court’s six right-wing “Supreme Thieves” have turned what’s meant to be a citadel of democracy into a Republican rubber stamp for plutocracy. Barry Goldwater, considered a right-wing … Read more

Corporations Win Olympic Gold in ‘Downhill Ethical Backflip’

The collective ethical backflip has been quite impressive: from the high ethical bar of human rights into the pits of crass, unprincipled commercialism. By far the top team … Read more
