Lost Journal: Get Well Cards Expose Dark Side of Second Grade
By Tim Mollen Journal entry: October 1, 1976 (age 7) Once word of my broken arm reached the second-grade classroom at St. Thomas Aquinas Elementary, the goodwill machine lurched … Read more
Woman Loses Touch With Reality After Watching Weeklong Reality Series
TOPEKA, Kansas – A local woman was transported to KVC Psychiatric Hospital Sunday evening after neighbors called 911 to report a crazed woman trying to build a “doomsday bunker” in her back yard.
Norma Lee Fein, 58, was busy using a chainsaw to c…
Math + Discrimination = Efficiency!
While education money is tight right now all across America, parents in the State of Georgia needn’t worry. By combining math with any number of other subjects, some cash-strapped Georgia teachers are finally able to stretch those education dollars …
Flavor Flav Agrees to School Mitt Romney in Ghetto Talk
With the New York primary coming up in late April, GOP Presidential candidate Mitt Romney is pretty sure he has that state sewn up simply because Wall Street is in New York, and Wall Street loves Mitt Romney. However, New York also boasts a very large …
Lost Journal: Second-grader Takes the Fall for Bunk Bed Safety
By Tim Mollen Journal entry: September 27, 1976 (age 7) The best thing about sleeping in the top of a bunk bed is that I can reach down … Read more
The Soul of Jerry Springer Begs for Release
It has been almost 21 years since Jerry Springer’s soul got her first taste of trash TV. She has finally had enough, saying that she’s so over sitting idly by while her host whores himself out on national television. Finally ready to invoke a rarel…
Local Woman Moves Out of Her Comfort Zone and Into a Condo
Local woman, Margaret McDillon, has been moved out of the house on Elm Street that she called home for 57 years and into a condo on Main Street.
“Oh, there are so many new things I’ll have to get used to,” said Maggie, a name she came to feel com…
Romney: Too Naïve to Survive Missouri Caucus?
They’s lots more where these come from Willard
While Gov. Mitt Romney did everything he could to fit in with the locals in the Southern states of Alabama and Mississippi, he still ended up third at the polls behind Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich.
Jeb Bush Lying in Wait Like a Florida Panther
See Jeb? See Jeb Run? Run, Jeb, Run.
Rumors are still swirling that Jeb Bush is considering putting his name in the hat for the GOP nomination. But, if there is one thing you should know about the Bush family it is this, they don’t do anything with…