Rulings of the Supreme Cult

Rulings of the Supreme Cult

Top 10 Supreme Cult (er… Court) Satirical Rulings (and Announcements) since… well, since they granted Trump immunity for official acts! 10. Whoever drove in today in an electric … Read more

Ginni Thomas Bountiful Thanksgiving Table – Pass the Gravitas!

Ginni Thomas Bountiful Thanksgiving Table – Pass the Gravitas!

Recused from other Thanksgiving dinner invitations, listen in as Clarence & Ginni Thomas chat intimately at their table. Listen in as Clarence & Ginni Thomas chat at their … Read more

Here Come the Judge & Ginni: Breakfast in Bed, Streaming!

Here Come the Judge & Ginni: Breakfast in Bed, Streaming!

Here Come the Judge: Peek in as we observe ‘Breakfast & Burnt Torts’ with Clarence and Ginny Thomas! Here Come the Judge & Ginni with early morning Breakfast … Read more

Ripping the Headlines Today, 6/28/22

Ripping the Headlines Today, 6/28/22

Making fun of the headlines today, so you don’t have to The news, even that about the 2022 NBA Draft, doesn’t need to be complicated and confusing; that’s … Read more

Ginni Thomas Rescues Kavanaugh from Angry Protesters

Ginni Thomas Rescues Kavanaugh from Angry Protesters

Witnesses say Justice Brett Kavanaugh was rescued from angry protesters at his house by Ginni Thomas. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh broke down after angry protesters picketed outside … Read more

Supreme Thieves Disguised in Robes of ‘Justice’

The Court’s six right-wing “Supreme Thieves” have turned what’s meant to be a citadel of democracy into a Republican rubber stamp for plutocracy. Barry Goldwater, considered a right-wing … Read more
