Who Taught George Santos to Be Such a Self-Serving Fraud?

The surreal saga of George Santos, bizarre Republican congress critter and self-serving fraud. People are baffled by the surreal saga of George Santos, bizarre Republican congress critter, self-serving … Read more

Listen in as Fauci, Newly Retired, Breakfasts with Wifey

Listen in as Fauci, Newly Retired, Breakfasts with Wifey

Dr. Anthony Fauci takes his medicine, now newly retired. Here he is as everyman, enjoying his first work-free week with the wife! Dr. Fauci is newly retired this … Read more

COVID-19 Is Prompting a Societywide Recalculation

An unexpected and profound impact of today’s horrific coronavirus crisis is that it is quietly prompting a societywide recalibration. Laissez-faire ideologue Ronald Reagan used to delight in mocking … Read more

What Is “Iyyikowa,” and Why Do We Need More of It?

The Choctaw have a word, “iyyikowa,” that means serving those in need… and we need more of it. Charles Dickens, writing about the inequality and social turmoil leading … Read more

Trump to Open Luxury “Fat-Farm” Resort in North Korea

Trump to Open Luxury “Fat-Farm” Resort in North Korea

“Fat-farm” resort paradise set to open next spring Donald Trump today announced plans for a luxury “fat-farm” vacation property in North Korea to be opened early next year. … Read more
