Who Else Historically Could Dodge a Bullet & Live to Brag About It?

Who Else Historically Could Dodge a Bullet & Live to Brag About It?

Who else can dodge a bullet, leap tall buildings & give an hour & a half speech while kissing a Fireman’s helmet? Who else could dodge a bullet?  … Read more

‘Project 2025’ & 10 Other Things Trump Says He Knows Nothing About!

‘Project 2025’ & 10 Other Things Trump Says He Knows Nothing About!

Donald Trump says he “knows nothing about” Project 2025, as he tries to pull the wool over the eyes of his flock of sheep, using photo proof of … Read more

Exclusive: Little Donny Debates His Weary Mother Before He Mutes Her!

Exclusive: Little Donny Debates His Weary Mother Before He Mutes Her!

Donald Trump loves a good debate & he started early: Notes from Mrs. Trump’s Diary on Little Donny! Part 2 – Excerpts from Mrs. Trump‘s Diary on Little … Read more

Analyzing Pinocchio, Woodn’t You?

Analyzing Pinocchio, Woodn’t You?

Analyzing Pinocchio: Losing his cred as the biggest liar, Pinocchio lies down on the shrink’s couch! Listen in to the soul-searching session analyzing Pinocchio led by Dr. Gotwood: DR. … Read more

Words=Money: Millions Accrue as Trump Flaps His Mouth to E Jean Carroll

Words=Money: Millions Accrue as Trump Flaps His Mouth to E Jean Carroll

After playing with Monopoly money all his life, Trump must now put his own money where his mouth is, including every mention of ‘E Jean Carroll’… That’s right, … Read more

Joe Biden Accused: ‘Stole Pen at Bank’ & Other Crimes

Joe Biden Accused: ‘Stole Pen at Bank’ & Other Crimes

Republicans James Comer and ‘Get off my lawn’ Grassley grasp for straws: Joe Biden accused of stealing the Lindbergh baby! Joe Biden accused of various & sundry crimes: … Read more
