This is Your Brain on Aphorisms: An Unconventional Convention

This is Your Brain on Aphorisms: An Unconventional Convention

The Republican’s convention lies in their contention. When it comes to giving speeches, Trump has always toad the line. The President’s big “hit” song: Damagin’ (All the People). … Read more

This is Your Brain on Aphorisms: Flush the Tea Potty!

This is Your Brain on Aphorisms: Flush the Tea Potty!

The tea potty is full of it. Trump’s base is sneer to his heart. Loyal tea oafs protect Trump. Right-wing propaganda time: Lunatic talk. The tea party believes … Read more

This is Your Brain on Aphorisms: The Uninvited Guess

This is Your Brain on Aphorisms: The Uninvited Guess

An ignorant, unwanted and uninvited guess plagues U.S. If you don’t mind, please don’t tell me what you think. How stupid is Trump? How dark is black? If … Read more

This is Your Brain on Aphorisms: You Herd it on Fox News

This is Your Brain on Aphorisms: You Herd it on Fox News

Fox news viewers are first brainwashed, then put through the “spin” cycle. When the emperor has no clothes you can anticipate a hasty “cover-up.” A know-nothing denies everything. … Read more
