Who Else in History Told Someone ‘You’re Too Honest’? Top 15

Who Else in History Told Someone ‘You’re Too Honest’? Top 15

While in Office, Trump told VP Mike Pence he was ‘too honest’!  See who else in history was honest too! Top 15: Who else in history was’ Too … Read more

Analyzing Pinocchio, Woodn’t You?

Analyzing Pinocchio, Woodn’t You?

Analyzing Pinocchio: Losing his cred as the biggest liar, Pinocchio lies down on the shrink’s couch! Listen in to the soul-searching session analyzing Pinocchio led by Dr. Gotwood: DR. … Read more

‘Who Said It?’ The Game Where Words (& Audio Tapes) Matter

‘Who Said It?’ The Game Where Words (& Audio Tapes) Matter

Step right up & test your memory (and sense of humor) with a few real quotes from the trial. Play “Who Said It?” right now! It seems everyone & their … Read more
