It’s the Year 2032: WTF Happened to Donald Trump?

It’s the Year 2032: WTF Happened to Donald Trump?

A Satirical Peek into Tomorrow! By 2032, did the former President ever get his Just Desserts, did Covid disappear & more importantly – did I ever date again? … Read more

Trump Tries to Give His Re-Election a Bounce with Laundered Money

Trump Tries to Give His Re-Election a Bounce with Laundered Money

Will Trump’s laundered money pay off or just cause him to lose a sock? Donald Trump says he will spend $100 million of his own money for re-election … Read more

Ending It All: Bunker Election Night Blues

Ending It All: Bunker Election Night Blues

Unlike other infamous couples in history sealing their fate by ending it all – this twosome left a transcript!  Being that ending it all is an option, Donald … Read more

Candidates Displayed in Pens at Iowa State Fair, Like Rest of Animals

Candidates Displayed in Pens at Iowa State Fair, Like Rest of Animals

Iowa decides to highlight ‘true nature of American politics’ by penning presidential candidates. This year’s crop of Presidential weeds… er… candidates made their appearance this week at the … Read more
