Rudy Giuliani Confesses, ‘I Make Up The Truth – I’m Too Busy To Lie!’ Top 10 Rudyisms!

Rudy Giuliani Confesses, ‘I Make Up The Truth – I’m Too Busy To Lie!’ Top 10 Rudyisms!

Under oath, Rudy Giuliani admitted not “having time” to check all facts with widespread voter fraud! Balled up & tossed, here’s his list of other things he didn’t … Read more

This is Your Brain on Aphorisms: Barr-King Dogmas

This is Your Brain on Aphorisms: Barr-King Dogmas

All dogs go to heaven, all dogmas go to hell! Trump’s living on Barr-owed time. We need law and order, not loss and orders. Stonewalls belong in prison. … Read more
