This is Your Brain on Aphorisms: Scum Together

This is Your Brain on Aphorisms: Scum Together

Republicans scum together over Trump. Republican conspiracies hatch in surrection nests. The GOP serves a complicit tea. Fascists want the right to control all of US. Liars live … Read more

This is Your Brain on Aphorisms: Republicans, Tax Evasion and Facts Evasion

This is Your Brain on Aphorisms: Republicans, Tax Evasion and Facts Evasion

The news, as told through aphorisms, including tax evasion and even facts evasion! The presidunce an idiot! He’s very much admired in the muck. Trump certainly is an … Read more

Will Democrats Be Democrats or Fraidy-Cats?

Rather than respond to the grassroots will for real change, weak-kneed forces are opposing strong advocates like Warren and Bernie Sanders. “Trust me!” bellowed the billionaire Donald Trump … Read more
