The Jerry Duncan Show Interviews Trash Collector Benji Johnson

The Jerry Duncan Show Interviews Trash Collector Benji Johnson

Wherein our intrepid talk radio show host interviews trash collector Benji Johnson, or as he prefers to call it, “a sanitation engineer with a degree in garbology.” ANNOUNCER … Read more

Mark Meadows Texts Exposé: What Else Did Donald Trump Jr. Not Tell His Father?

Mark Meadows Texts Exposé: What Else Did Donald Trump Jr. Not Tell His Father?

We all know about Don Jr’s text to Mark Meadows with a message for his dad – but that wasn’t the first time! We now all know that … Read more

Operation Varsity Blues: Rich Is as Rich Does

Colleges involved in the Operation Varsity Blues scandal announced internal investigations destined to get to the bottom of things somewhere near the turn of the next century. Stop … Read more

Princess Ivanka ‘Furious’ About Pam Bondi’s White House Appointment

Princess Ivanka ‘Furious’ About Pam Bondi’s White House Appointment

‘She just loves having her pussy grabbed by the President-Erect!’ Ivanka wept, referring to Donald’s new housemate, Pam Bondi. ‘It’s not fair! Waah!’  NYC – First Lady-Elect Princess … Read more

Trump Election Victory Spurs ‘Dramatic Growth’ in Professional Protest Industry

Trump Election Victory Spurs ‘Dramatic Growth’ in Professional Protest Industry

Well-paid ‘pro pros’ trained in protest and ‘pussy rioting’ at cynically named ‘Trump University’ NYC – Donald Trump’s shock election victory has spurred a “dramatic growth” in what … Read more
