Various blogs, featuring humor, oddities, news and interesting items.
Five-Year Old Child Prodigy Channeling Frank Zappa
Ezra and Zoe Weinbaum of Hollywood, Florida are finally ready to accept the fact that they may just have a child prodigy on their hands. Their son, Zach, … Read more
Whimsy With Sprinkles On Top
Spanish Anarchist Militia Soldier 1936, ibid.
Pimp My Dromedary
From the 1962 TV series, “The Samurai”
my ear-trumpet has been struck by lightning
Be seeing you.
Fighting a War on Drugs: An Army Under the Influence
I knew a lot of guys who came back from Viet Nam who spoke with a mixture of awe and affection of the military issue Dexadrine that was handed out like candy on combat missions. Modern wars and an all volunteer army in which a soldier ma…
States Unwittingly Promote Masturbation by Prohibiting Gateway Sexual Activity
SALT LAKE CITY – In a poll taken of students in several states including Utah and Wisconsin, where new laws have been enacted to promote abstinence only as a way to prevent unwanted pregnancies, it was discovered that masturbation has sharply increased…
Scott Walker’s Wife Withholding Sex Over War on Women’s Rights
MADISON – Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is a little ‘blue’ these days since his wife decided to take a stand against her husband’s continuing attack on women’s rights.
At the annual Maple Bluff Garden Club meeting on Friday, the first lady of…
The Spanish Flu Revisited
In the late 1990s a perfectly preserved victim of the 1918 influenza pandemic that killed millions was discovered and exhumed:
From science daily:
n a mass grave in a remote Inuit village near the town of Brevig Mission, a large Inuit woman lay …
Avid Golfer Vilifies Woman Buying 9 Iron as Weapon
George ‘Mac’ McGruder, 69, has been golfing ever since he was old enough to hold a golf club. Wednesdays have always been his golf days, even when he was a physician and ran his own practice.
“The girls in the office knew not to bother me …
Insight: Editorial Cartoonist Lisa Benson
An interview with Lisa Benson By S.L. Chandler The expression about “getting a new lease on life” might not always fall readily into one’s grasp. But when it … Read more
Mitt Romney Keeping Several Offshore Wives in the Cayman Islands
Authorities in the Cayman Islands are remaining mum after reports have surfaced this week indicating that in addition to the large sums of money Mitt Romney has stored in bank accounts in the Cayman Islands, he also has a mansion which houses multiple …